Justification of clinical management approach/ strategy For the same case study, you should explore and critique the management approach(es) used by searching for relevant, contemporary evidence. Critically appraise and evaluate this
evidence, drawing conclusions about the quality of the research relating to your chosen management approach(es). As part of your discussion, you may include the proposal & justification of an alternative or modified management strategy and consider its evidence base. Also work to demonstrate you have considered the context of the management approach (es) in a UK setting by including some discussion of current best practice guidelines. Summary Provides a succinct summary, highlighting key points Part 2. (750 Words) Having given an account of your examination and management approaches in Part 1, in Part 2 you should write a reflective piece on your learning resulting from the critical evaluation of the case study using evidence. Use (and reference) a reflective model to consider your most valuable personal learning points and demonstrate in your writing how this is going to impact your future MSK clinical practice. As part of this reflective process, you should also consider the opportunities and challenges this might present and what strategies or actions you might consider putting in place. ✓ This should be a piece of reflective writing which can be written in the first person. Please read the document linked below to support you writing in this way. Reflective Writing.pdf (sharepoint.com) Appendix Content which is relevant to the critical case evaluation or searches/ critique of the literature./nAssessment: Critical Evaluation of Case study 4000-word essay Part 1 (3250 Words) Overview: Content Students must produce a critical evaluation of a case study from their own musculoskeletal practice. This should contain supporting references from multiple contemporary and relevant evidence based sources. Through this critical evaluation you should demonstrate the depth of your clinical reasoning and critical analysis of the evidence and how this relates to your chosen case scenario. Introduction Succinct introduction with clear justification for selection of case study Overview of case study You should provide a brief overview of your case study, aim to write concisely and clearly. including only information relevant to the case and the assessment and treatment approaches you are going on to critically discuss. Tables may be used containing more in- depth clinical information but ensure this remains relevant to the upcoming discussion of assessment and treatment. Likewise, consider using an appendix if the case study requires significant detail presenting. Justification of assessment approach/ strategy Explore one or two key aspects of the assessment/ examination approach used in your case study. For example, this could be one or two clinical /special tests one might use, or possibly consider the use outcome measure(s)/ self-report tools commonly used in relation to the focus of your case study. It is important to examine these in enough depth to demonstrate effective use of multiple sources of relevant, contemporary literature. This evidence should reflect you have considered in depth the clinical use of your chosen assessment approaches and the role they play in clinical reasoning and diagnosis of individuals with MSK conditions. You should also demonstrate critical evaluation of the chosen literature and begin to form a judgement on the quality of the research you have read./nAssessment on this module involves reflection and synthesis of information from attended sessions therefore attendance is an integral part of this module. Assessment for this module is assessed at M level (Level 7) and the assessment rubric can be found in the ADV767 Module Handbook. This section should be read in conjunction with the MSC Advanced Professional Practice Programme Handbook where students will find procedural information relating to assessment. Submission of the assessment is via Moodle, guidance on submission can be found within the programme handbook. Assessment task launch: Formative Deadline: Summative - Essay Submission: Provisional marks and feedback available; ✓ All submissions are via Moodle- there is an assignment submission portal on the ADV767 site which is clearly labelled. The aim of the assignment is to demonstrate to what extent you have met the learning outcomes for the module. Assessed Learning Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate their own musculoskeletal practice, integrating ideas, perspectives, and theories from evidence-based practice. Integral to this is critical analysis of the literature in relation to musculoskeletal conditions and manual therapy 2. Demonstrate advanced critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills and apply these to the musculoskeletal practice setting with regard to the assessment and management of musculoskeletal conditions 3. Demonstrate the ability to synthesis this information and use their specialist knowledge and skills to evaluate and justify their clinical decision making within their own musculoskeletal practice 4. Developinnovative strategies to integrate advanced clinical reasoning into their future musculoskeletal practice