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For 1st Assignment do 1 page (APA format)

For 2nd Assignment do 3 pages (APA format)

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Culture and Gender Studies

. Vocation: Revisit the chapter on "Vocation" in Veith, The Spirituality of the Cross. Drawing on the chapter, define vocation, then reflect on the various vocations that you have now and how God is at work within them. Book is added in reference section

Students will write 500-600 word reflection papers on the course material following the prompts below. You will be evaluated on your understanding of the material, serious engagement with the question, and thoroughness of your thought. Choose a piece of media (film, TV, music, social media trend, novels, etc.) and discuss how it fits with our discussion of various topics throughout the semester. How does the presentation of religion in the piece of media relate to something you've learned this semester? (If you're in need of help, please let me know! I'm more than happy to make suggestions!)

ASSIGNMENT: Read the "Introduction" to Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Prayerbook of the Bible (pdf). Bonhoeffer notes that we need to learn how to pray. He writes: "Not the poverty of our heart, but the riches of God's word, ought to determine our prayer." Based on this "Introduction,” reflect on how prayers shaped by the riches of God's word differ from prayers determined by the poverty of our heart. Psalms.pdf

4. What is the conclusion of I soliti ignoti? Does it fit in with the bittersweet, unresolved endings that we discussed with the neorealist films? Is it more or less successful in conveying its message than the preceding films? 

Choose one media program or article that deals with an issue related to the variables we are exploring in this course: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or social class. Examples of acceptable media include a newspaper article, a radio program, a television show, or a movie. Find these via the Capella library or online. Feel free to choose a topic or media source that is either domestic or global in content. Then, write an essay that includes a brief summary of the main event or issues in your article or program, clarifying how the event or issue connects to this course. Your essay should accomplish the following: 1. Discuss sociological theories appropriate for promoting understanding of a diversity concept. o Include relevant examples from the article or program to illustrate your points. 2. Discuss how a media piece may affect or might have been influenced by policy and power. o Consider how individuals in power influence decisions regarding how issues are portrayed. This can include corporate executives, lobbyists, special interest groups, or those who own a particular newspaper, channel, or media conglomerate. 3. Discuss how minority and dominant groups are portrayed in a media piece to understand influences on discrimination. o Relate your discussion to Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination from the Merton's Typology of Prejudice and Discrimination interactive. 4. Analyze data that is appropriate for supporting or refuting the central tenets of your media piece. o If data (statistical information) is cited in your media selection, you may go to that source and analyze it yourself; then consult an additional source that supports or refutes the data presented. 5. Apply in text the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, tone, and citation formatting.

TO DO: Based on the article Theorizing Difference from Multiracial Feminism, answer these questions. There are a variety of ways that women are differentiated. Why do the authors focus on race? What other categories do you think are systems of inequality that differentiate women's experiences? Discuss gender in your answer.

Prompt Given the cultural work you have selected in Module Two, take time to work on the following: 1. Thinking of the work selected, explore how acts of creative expression impact, and are impacted by, the people and situations surrounding them. 2. State questions about the relationship between culture and expression. 3. State questions about your values and how they are shaped by the expression of others. 4.Determine how you would go about answering the questions posed./nOverview For this assignment, which supports your final project, remember that you are assuming the role of a researcher of human cultures, an anthropologist who is looking from the future back into our world today. In your final project you will analyze a work of human creative expression, describe it, describe its purpose, and assess how creative expression impacts and is impacted by surrounding situations. You will also pose questions about the relationship between culture and expression as well as how values shape and are shaped by expression, and determine how you would go about answering them. In this assignment you will practice asking the questions and determining how to go about answering them.

Theme The theme of this module's discussion board is class and culture. Reading Please read the following before answering the questions below: • Livy: The Rape of Lucretia • Ovid: Amores 1.4 Directions Please answer the following questions in an original discussion post: • How did Livy and Ovid's views about marriage and sex in Roman society differ? • In what ways did they seem to share certain assumptions about Roman cultural institutions? When you have completed your response, please respond to another classmate's post. You can engage in friendly debate or add additional analysis and points to your classmate's post. Note: You will not be able to view your classmates' posts until you make your first post. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, but not exceed 500 words. Your response to your classmate's post should be at least 2-3 substantive sentences.

Need to answer in total 200 words following all the instructions Gender and Globalization (Discussion post #2) 1. Explain what is gender and globalization in your own words (use required readings and any other source you want to use, as long as you properly cite them) 2. UN Gender Equality Report: List 5 things that stood out to you and briefly share why?

Respond these questions in total of 150-200 words. Cite two references. The article that will be provided and the show you pick. Sexual Hierarchies in Film and Television: How are queer sexualities and the dominance of heterosexuality represented in various film and television sources? Choose a film or TV show that features both heterosexuality and same-sex sexuality and analyze how the media source represents sexual hierarchies. How is heterosexuality being represented? How are queer characters portrayed? Is there any tension between heterosexuality and same-sex sexuality? What kind[s]? Do characters fight back and express sexual freedom? If so, how? Films such as Milk, Fire, But I'm a Cheerleader! La Mission and Brokeback Mountain would work well here; television shows could include Six Feet Under, Queer as Folk, Pretty Little Liars, and Glee. (Make sure and use examples from the readings and or video clips in your responses).