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Part D: Chi-squared test

ABC University conducted a survey regarding WIL. One question in the survey sought the

opinion of the students on whether they found the WIL experience useful or not useful.

1. Use the WILA3 data to draw up a two-way table showing counts of opinion by program.

Include row and column totals. Format and caption your table correctly and put the computer

output in the appendix.

2. Draw a suitable graph displaying counts. Present percentages in a two way table to

summarise the data. Comment on what these tell you.

3. State five conditions for the use of a confidence interval for a proportion and show that they

are met here.

5. Carry out a chi-square test to see if there is an association between Program

(BOB/BOM/BOH) and Opinion (useful/not useful). As part of this make sure you:

4. Find the 95% confidence interval for the proportion of BOM who reported that they found

the WIL stint 'useful'. Also find the 95% confidence interval for the proportion of BOM who

reported that they found the WIL stint 'not useful'. Report this in your assessment and put the

output in the appendix.

• State the hypothesis in words.

• Report the chi-square statistic, df and p-value in your assessment.

• Copy the computer output in your appendix.

• Make a conclusion.