Part II: Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm Instructions: 1. Go to and select GGSEARCH then protein. This will do a Needleman-Wunsch global alignment on your protein sequence. 2. Choose UniProtKB/TrEMBL as your database (step 1) 3. Paste in your STS protein query sequence (step 2) 4. Click More
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Your professor gives you a population of freshmen students at UCLA, and asks you to compute a 99% pivotal Cl for their mean high school GPAS. What would you do? a. I would ask a classmate and do whatever they tell me to b. Cls make sense when we have samples and not the whole population. This is an absurd task and I would respectfully let my professor know that this is not reasonable c. I would respectfully do what my professor wants because want an A in this class d. I would use the bootstrap resampling with replacement of the population 10,000 times and compute a pivotal 99% Cl from the histogram of such mean GPAS

Suppose a posterior probability was 0.05 for a COVID test. What would be your conclusion? O a. If you had a 5% chance of testing positive, you will have COVID O b. Every 5th person has COVID and you are one of them O c. If you had a positive antibody test for COVID, there is a 5% chance that you actually had COVID

Which of the following is correct about a bootstrap confidence interval? Select all that apply. O a. A 95% confidence interval obtained using the bootstrap approach can be interpreted as "we can be 95% sure that the true measure is in the interval provided" O b. A bootstrap pivotal confidence interval assumes that the observed sample measure is a pivot such that the variability in sample measures around the true population measure is the same as the variability of measures from the bootstrap resamples around the observed measure O c.A confidence interval provides an estimate of precision of an effect size O d. A confidence interval provides an estimate of uncertainty in the sample measure

Suppose the social cost of a false negative was very high in this case. Carlos, as an ethical and moral pre-med, is worried that his test could have missed detecting a true effect. What are some of the things he could do? a. He could compute the power estimates to support the idea that his result could be a false negative b. He could ask Theresa to conduct the statistical analysis O c. He could increase the alpha cutoff for statistical significance O d. He could reduce the alpha cutoff for statistical significance

The ornithologist finds that each species differs in the mean number of eggs laid, but fails to find any difference by habitat. Which plot best illustrates this finding? O a. Plot i Plot ii c. Plot iii O d. Plot iv

The ornithologist finds that the two species lay different numbers of eggs in each of the two habitats. Surprisingly, the effect of habitat differs by species. Which plot best illustrates this finding? O a.Plot i O b. Plot ii O c. Plot i O d. Plot iv

Which of the following is/are true statement(s) about the power of a study? Select all that apply.Note: Wrong selection results in points deduction on this question. Please choose wisely O a.Given an effect size, increasing the sample size increases power O b. Given an effect size, increasing alpha cutoff increases power c. Power is invariant to the magnitude of effect size for a given alpha cutoff and sample size O d. Given an effect size, increasing the variability of samples increases power

A study concluded that the Relative Risk of lung cancer for people who smoke compared to people who do not smoke is 1.7 with a 95% Cl of (1.2, 2.0). Which of the followingstatements is incorrect, based on this data alone? O a. People who smoke are 1.7 times more likely to get lung cancer than those who do not smoke. O b. Smoking causes lung cancer since RR is large and statistically significant O c. There is a significant association between lung cancer and smoking status O d. People who smoke are at a higher risk of lung cancer compared to those who do not smoke. O e. The probability of lung cancer is lower for those who do not smoke.

Given the information above, what is most likely represented by the y-axis? a.The number of eggs laid per year O b. The p-value from an omnibus F-test O c.The strength of the interaction between species and habitat O d. The difference in the number of eggs laid per year between the species e. The number of eggs laid over an individual's life

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