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Problem 1 (20 Points): For each of the following ODE systems, determine the order of the system, whether the

system is linear or nonlinear (if nonlinear, identify the nonlinearity). Given: y = f(t); y' = dy/dt;











y' + ty = cos(1²)

y""' + lly" − y' + e™¹y = 2ylnt

y" = tys

5y'=fy + sin(ty)

y + sec(t) = (y""") (y')

y" + 5y + 4y= e¹n(v) -e4y


y" cos(y) = f'sin(t) y"

e'y"""' + 3y" - cot(e)y= 21° +y'





Fig: 1

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The thin homogeneous 300 lb plate is hanging from a cable attached to point O when it is subjected to an impulse of -20k lb.s at the corner A. Determine the angular velocity vector of the plate immediately after the impulse occurs.

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5.1Derive the state-variable equations for the system that is modeled by the following ODES where a, w, and z are the dynamic variables and v is the input. 0.4 \dot{\alpha}-3 w+\alpha=0 0.25 z+4 z-0.5 z w=0 \ddot{w}+6 w+0.3 w^{3}-2 \alpha=8 v