
Problem-1 [40 Points] Two transistors Tr₁ and Tr2 are parallel connected, as shown in the following figure. For a forward-biased dc steady-state operation, it is known that the total load current

is in=200/A/, the collector-emitter voltage of the first transistor is VCE1 =1.5/V/, and of the second transistor is VCE2=1.1/V/. The resistances series connected to transistors have the value of RE₁= 10/m/ and RE2=20/m2/, respectively. For each transistor calculate the collector's current value (ic₁ and icz), and the difference in percent of the collector currents as referred to the total current (((ic₁ - icz)/iT) x 100). It is added that to solve the problem, the base current is neglected. iT Tr.4 (B1) REA LEA ict CEA E lica. Q CEZ E₂ REZ LEZ Tr.2 (B2) Fig. 1: Transistors in Parallel Rc Vcc

Fig: 1