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Problem-1 [40 Points]

Two transistors Tr₁ and Tr2 are parallel connected, as shown in the following figure.

For a forward-biased de steady-state operation, it is known that the total load current

is iT=200/A/, the collector-emitter voltage of the first transistor is VCE1 =1.5/V/, and of

the second transistor is VCE2=1.1/V/.

The resistances series connected to transistors have the value of RE1- 10/m/ and

RE2=20/m2/, respectively.

For each transistor calculate the collector's current value (ic and icz), and the

difference in percent of the collector currents as referred to the total current (((ici —

İcz)/iT) x 100).

It is added that to solve the problem, the base current is neglected.

















Fig. 1: Transistors in Parallel



Fig: 1

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2.18(Page.31) 2. A voltmeter with a range of 0 to 100 V reads 2 V when the leads are shorted together. The manufacturer claims an accuracy of ±4% of full scale. Estimate the maximum error when reading a voltage of 80 V in both volts and as a percentage of reading. If the voltmeter is adjusted so that the reading when the leads are shorted together is 0 V, estimate the maximum percent error when reading 80 V.

a) Choose the BEST answer only for each of the following questions: (ii) In a three phase uncontrolled full wave rectifier, each diode conducts for: (iii) The switching control action in Fig. Q4(a-iii) is known as: (iv) The ratio between the height of the reference wave and the carrier wave in inverter-control is called: (v) For the three phase inverter circuit shown in Fig. Q4(a-v1), the state given in Fig.Q4(a-v2) results in which combination of line voltages? (vi) The AC voltage of a square wave inverter is likely to have which of the following harmonic contents? (vii) The extent of harmonic pollution in a current or voltage waveform can be determined by: A three-phase fully controlled bridge rectifier is delivering a constant DC current of 50A to load from a 415V, 50Hz three phase source with a source inductance of 4.8mH per phase(and negligible source resistance). Neglecting the Thyristor forward voltage drop, for a firing angle of 45° determine: (i)The mean output voltage of the circuit The overlap angle The generalised mean output voltage of a p-pulse converter is given by the expression: V_{\text {mean }}=\left(\frac{p V_{\max }}{\pi} \sin \frac{\pi}{p}\right) \cos \alpha-\frac{p X}{2 \pi} I_{L} The generalized expression of mean voltage with overlap angle y is expressed as follows: V_{\text {mean }}=\left[\frac{p V_{\max }}{\pi} \sin \left(\frac{\pi}{p}\right)\right]\{\cos \alpha+\cos (\alpha+\gamma)\} (c) With the aid of appropriate sketches, discuss how a pulse width modulated control signal with variable duty cycle can be generated to control a dc/dc converter.[6]