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Problem 1: A 100 ft long pipe transporting steam through the PSU campus is made of AISI 316 stainless steel. The pipe is an 8"Schedule 40 pipe (note that 8"

is the nominal dimension but you need to look up the actual dimensions of an 8" Schedule 40pipe!). The pipe transports steam through an open space of air at T,=20°C and a heat transfer coefficient of 10 W/m²K. The steady-state inside wall temperature of the steam pipe is at 140°C. Note that you can look up thermal conductivity and other thermophysical properties in Appendix A of the course textbook,or through other reputable sources. (a) Determine the rate of heat loss from the steam pipe if it DOES NOT have insulation. Ans: 25 kW (b) If we want to reduce the heat loss to 10% of its value from part (a), what thickness of calcium silicate pipe insulation should be added to the outside of the pipe? You can assume that the inside surface temperature of the steam pipe remains at 140°C, as well as the outside air conditions. You may need to use an iterative solver (such as Exceľ's Goal Seek, in Data->What If Analysis->Goal Seek; or perhaps Matlab,or even a guess-and-check method).

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

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13. Which of these urinary hydration biomarkers provides the best index of day to day hydration? Urine color Urine concentration Plasma osmolality Plasma volume

1. Analyze the ending of the novel. What are the "circles of sorrow" that Nel experiences? Is the ending pessimistic, optimistic, or something else altogether? 2. Nel and Sula's friendship is central in the novel. What role does this friendship play in Nel and Sula's lives and what point is Morrison making about the role of life-long friendships in the formation of identity? 3. How do people who are intensely individualistic fare in the novel? Is it possible to break away from the values of the community and to be one's own person? Answer the question with reference to at least two of the novel's characters. 4. How and by whom is love expressed in the novel? In what ways is the love in the novel a ease the suffering of the characters? How is love not enough to appease the characters in light of their suffering? 5. In what ways are the various characters in the novel alienated from the community? How do they cope with their loneliness, their preoccupations,and other after effects of feeling abandoned? 6. Compare and contrast the journey of self-discovery for two characters in the book. Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the comparison and contrast. 7. Contrast Nel's relationship to her mother and Sula's interaction with her mother. Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the contrast. 8. Trace the use of three symbols in the novel and explain their connection to a theme in the novel. 9. What does Shadrack's character teach us about the after effects of war and the ways mentally ill people can be ostracized from a community? 10.Although no one has ever joined Shadrack on National Suicide Day, in the chapter titled 1941, much of the town marches toward the tunnel where they have not been able to get work and in their rage, the try to "kill, as best they could, the tunnel they were forbidden to build" (160). What is the significance of the event at the tunnel and the resulting deaths there?

Corporal punishment has been traditionally used as a tool for disciplining children. Now educators and policy makers are split on the issue. Below you will read two conflicting point of views on the subject. Please write your own opinion on the subject based on the available information [2-3 paragraphs]: One Point of View: Corporal punishment sets clear boundaries and motivates children to behave in school. Children are better able to make decisions about their behavior, exercise self-control, and be accountable for their actions when they understand the penalty they face for misbehaving is comparable to their actions. Harold Bennet, PhD,President and Dean of the Charles H. Mason Theological Seminary, stated,"children need to understand boundaries and I think that children need to understand that there should be punishments... in direct proportion to the improper behavior that they might demonstrate." Some experts state that corporal punishment prevents children from persisting in their bad behavior and growing up to be criminals. Another Point of View: Corporal punishment creates an unsafe and violent school environment.The American Academy of Pediatrics says corporal punishment "may contribute to disruptive and violent student behavior." Children who experience corporal punishment are more likely to hit or use other violence against people in order to get their way, putting other children at risk for increased bullying and physical abuse and teachers in potentially violent classrooms. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry states, "[c]orporal punishment signals to the child that a way to settle interpersonal conflicts is to use physical force and inflict pain. Such children may in turn resort to such behavior themselves." Corporal punishment creates an unsafe and violent school environment.

1. Topic Sentences: Cigarette smoking kills many more people than all illegal drugs combined. • Nonsmokers are endangered by breathing the smoke from others' cigarettes. Tobacco is one of the most addictive of all drugs. 2. Topic Sentences: My parents complain when I come home late. My mother wants detailed information about all the people in my life. My parents want me'to start paying rent for living at home. 3. Topic Sentences: The biggest female stars make less money than the most famous male stars. Very few good roles are written for older women. Only a handful of women have been allowed to direct major motion pictures. 4. Topic Sentences: Write on both sides of a piece of paper, and use scrap paper for messages. Turn off the water-until you need it-while washing dishes, brushing your teeth, orshaving. Recycle empty aluminum cans, plastic containers, andрapers. 5. Topic Sentences: My next-door neighbors let their dogs wander around in my yard whenever I am nothome. They pile their garbaĝe next to my fence so that the smell blows into my kitchen window. They play loud music in the middle of the night-even on a work night. 6. Topic Sentences: One out of three beachfront homes is damaged or destroyed by storms. It is very difficult to get insurance for the special problems of beachfront homes. Ocean levels are expected to rise over the next few years, causing even more damage tobeachfront properties. 7. Topic Sentences: Teenage drivers cause 75 percent of all accidents that happen after 9 p.m. Most crimes involvirig teenagers happen in the evenings. On average, teenagers who are home during the evenings have higher grades than thosewho are not. 8. Topic Sentences: Suggestions given under hypnosis have improved headaches, asthma, and warts.Hemonhiliage Hemophiliacs typically bleed so much from dental treatment that they need to be givenseveral pints of blood, but some who were hypnotized during treatment needed no bloodat all. Hypnosis has been found to be more effective than morphine in alleviating certain types ofpain. 9. Topic Sentences: A hearty laugh exercises the internal organs, including the heart and lungs. The deep breathing that accompanies laughter supplies the body with extra oxygen. Laughter may also stimulate the body's production of endorphins, which act as painkillersand antidepressants. 10. Topic Sentences: The makers of plastic trash bags use a new additive-actually, potato peels-to make thebags biodegradable (that is, capable of breaking down and being absorbed by theenvironment). Manufacturers removed any ingredients in their plastic formula which would contaminatesoil in a landfill. Manufacturers made it possible for the bags to be burned safely, without adding dangerouspollutants to the air.

4. The dry exhaust gas analysis from an engine burning a hydrocarbon diesel fuel is as follows: CO2 =.121, O2=.037, N2 = .842. Determine the molar composition of the fuel,the gravimetric composition of the fuel, the equivalence ratio of the fuel/air mixture under these sampling conditions, the fuel/air ratio on a mass basis under these sampling conditions, and the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio for this fuel.

1) The section of shaft shown in the figure is to be designed to approximate relative sizes of d = 0.75D and r = D/20 with diameter d conforming to that of standard metric rolling-bearing bore sizes. The shaft is to be made of AISI 4140 steel, heat-treated to obtain minimum strengths in the shoulder area of 951 MPa ultimate tensile strength and 834 MPa yield strength with a Brinell hardness not less than285. At the shoulder the shaft is subjected to a completely reversed bending moment of 35 x 10, accompanied by steady torsion of 22.5 x 103 are machined. I. Find the solution of the following items (20 points) a. Choose a diameter at the root groove d, = ? b. Find the size factor k. = ? c. Find the Endurance limit S.= ? d. Find the notch sensitivities and static stress concentration factors q=?, q_{s}=?, K_{t}=?, K_{t s}=? e. Find the fatigue stress concentration factors Kf = ?, Kfs = ? Using a fatigue factor of safety according ASME-Elliptic, n =n SME = 3.5 , estimate the diameter at the root groove, d, d=\left\{\frac{16 n}{\pi}\left[4\left(\frac{K_{f} M_{a}}{S_{e}}\right)^{2}+3\left(\frac{K_{f s} T_{a}}{S_{e}}\right)^{2}+4\left(\frac{K_{f} M_{m}}{S_{y}}\right)^{2}+3\left(\frac{K_{f s} T_{m}}{S_{y}}\right)^{2}\right]^{1 / 2}\right\}^{1 / 3} g. With this new calculated, d,, Loop through part b to part f, until you have a converged solution for the diameter at the root groove.

The assessment tasks in this unit require you to identify hazards and assess risks for a case study organisation and then to complete activities to eliminate/minimise risks.This assessment is to be completed in the Upskilled online environment Required Access to textbooks and other learning materials Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access WHS information provided by the state/territory regulator relevant to your location. See the following link for access to the relevant regulator: information at: Policy and Procedures WHS Plan including Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool Timing Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.Submit Completed Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool Screenshot of stored files Handouts x 4Assessment criteria For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence. | assessment Task 2 Instructions as provided to students complete the following activities:carefully read the following scenario1.A Best Events is an event management company that organises arrange of events. The company is committed to health and safety and has implemented a work health and safety management system.As part of the event planning process, an event work health and safety plan is to be used to identify actual or foreseeable workplace hazards including hazards associated with the physical environment, plant/equipment, work practices and security issues.You are an Events Manager with Best Events organising an event and you are required to identify hazards and assess risks relevant to an upcoming event you are planning. This can be an event of your choice such as an open day for an education institution or a conference or a local craft fair. You are also required to control risks for the event.With this in mind, you are to complete all of the activities below.2.Review the Best Events WHS Policy and Procedures and access relevant documentation Review the Best Events WHS Policy and Procedures to identify the procedures that need to be followed, as well as methods forhazard identification and risk assessment for an event.Following your review, access the WHS Plan that includes the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool from the student resources folder.Carefully review these documents in preparation for the next task.Make notes as required.3.Conduct a Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment As per the company's policy, you are not required to identify hazards, assess risks and develop risk control measures.As indicated in the WHS Policy and Procedures, this will be through an initial review of available information about hazards and risks, as well as consulting with colleagues in activity 2.3.Proceed to preparing your Hazard Identification and RiskAssessment Tool by reviewing the information as per the link under "Required" and by visiting the web site of the WHS regulator relevant to the state or territory you are located in and identifying at least one item of relevant information from there.Follow the instructions in the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool, ensuring that you identify a minimum of 10actual or foreseeable hazards and associated risk assess mental and controls.Create a suitable folder in your drive. File your work as Draft Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool.Take a screenshot of the folder structure to show that you have filed and kept this record.Submit Draft Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Tool to your assessor. You will discuss your work in a meeting in the next activity and your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the meeting. Take measures to eliminate or control risks5.Assume that you have identified risks for your event as follows:Physical environment - Slips and trips Plant/equipment - Safe manual handling Work practice - Fatigue management Security issue - Customer behaviour e.g. customers consuming too much alcohol In order to control the risks you are required to:Develop four short information handouts to address all of thepa22following risks and that can be provided to staff for information nd guidance on each issue. The format and style for the handouts are as follows:Create clear and concise one (1) page handouts.Using simple and clear language. For, example, use simple English and avoid colloquial language or slang.Use appropriately sized fonts and present well-formatted,grammatically correct information.Ensure that the handouts you create use the same layout,font, colours and style.

Read the following case study based on the Applegold Cider Company. You should then apply decision analysis to the problem facing Apple gold. This will involve: a) Formulating the problem as a decision tree; b) using Bayesian analysis to update prior probabilities and find the correct probabilities in the tree; c) discuss the strengths and limitations of your analysis. Applegold is a major cider producer, producing draught cider for pubs and clubs,as well as bottles and cans, which has recently seen production and the number of outlets selling its products increase significantly.The growth in draught cider has created some problems for the company's managers.In particular, there is concern that when sales reach their peak in August, there might not be enough kegs (steel re-usable cider containers) available to meet demand.Apple gold own about 200000 kegs, but it is felt by some managers that the stocks should be increased.The Operations Manager has proposed that 16000 new kegs be ordered immediately. The Accountant is not convinced. Kegs cost £90 each, so this would lead to an expenditure of £1440000. They would be usable next year, but assuming 5%interest on capital, buying now rather than waiting would cost £72000. 4The Sales Manager proposes that the company wait until an accurate long range weather forecast is available for August, since demand depends heavily on the weather, with hot dry months leading to high demand. Such a forecast will be available in July. One problem is that it might be the case that other brewers had bought all of the available kegs by this time and the Operations Manager estimates a probability of 0.7 of getting the kegs if they wait until July.The Sales Manager produces an interim forecast, with no knowledge of the weather,of how good sales are likely to be in August. She estimates that they will be at least 10% higher with probability 0.45, they will increase by a lower amount with probability 0.4, and there will be no increase with probability 0.15.The Data Processing Manager suggests three possible strategies; buying 0, 8000 or16000 kegs immediately. The associated change in profit from these three strategies were estimated, based upon the assumption that with a 10% sales increase 16000extra kegs will be used (if available), and for a lower increase 8000 extra kegs will be used (if available), with an associated profit of £10.50 per keg. These are summarised in Table 1. Table 1: Predicted changes in profit (in £) for combinations of different immediate purchasing strategies and sales increases.The Sales Manager suggests that it might still be better to wait for the weather forecast in July, and run the risk of the kegs not being available. Whether it is best to do so depends upon how accurate the forecasts are.

In the novel, The Wars by Timothy Findley, he describes the women as chaos and order.Robert Rose is the lead male character, and a guy that every female character desires. In the early stage of Robert Rose's life he was surrounded by women that he loved and adored. He has two sisters and his mother, who gave him the courage and made him independent. Women in this novel were seen as a stereotypical character; servant and uneducated. As the story evolves, the female character brings chaos and destruction into the male character. Therefore,as he goes on the journey he will encounter many women that would either change him into a man that is responsible or a man that would destroy his own life. In the novel of The Wars there are few women that made a significant impact into Rober tRose's life. That made him become a strong and independent man because Robert was shy and soft but smart. Mrs. Ross is Robert's mother who is caring and wise, Robert was always to oshy that he wished his mother that she wouldn't appear in the public often. But Mrs. Rose is a strong lady that she wanted to show Robert the reality of life: "Such things have to bed one...someone has to do them. The leaders of society are duty bound - and what would people say...? Etc. Etc." (Findley, 14). We can see the strong personality of a female character compared to the male who is afraid and sensitive. From the early start, we can see how she is starting to influence Robert's life. Robert had a sister named Rowena Rose who died and hewas devastated that made him enlist himself to the military to forget the death of his sister.

Provide a brief description of each of the eleven organ systems within the human body, discussing the various components of each and their function within the human body.