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Project 3 - A Zoning Analysis A Zoning Analysis is an integral part of any real estate project that helps to reduce development risks. It assists the real estate professional in determining whether you can actually develop on the proposed land and the allowable buildable area which affects potential profit. A zoning analysis establishes the types of structures that can be built (Retail, Residential, Office, Park or other amenity), land use and property limits, size, height and dimension, parking space requirements, etc.) - Your task is to use the same spot in College Park that you talked in Project 2, and also the same proposed integration that you wanted that spot to change to. Using an online zoning map, you will determine if your proposed suggestion would actually be allowed to be constructed there or not. You will not be penalized if your building that you suggested would not be able to work there! This is the whole point of the assignment. In the real world, developers may want to create something in a certain spot in the city, but may not be able to because of zoning. On the contrary, some developers can without a doubt construct their vision into a particular landscape because of how that area is zoned. Need to do like example 3 (attached) following project 2 (attached) 3 pages double spaced, with 1 map page.

Most Viewed Questions Of Construction Planning And Management

Create an Excel spreadsheet for the earthwork volume calculation sheet, which is presented below, and fill out the calculation sheet in Excel for a construction project that has the cutting and filling areas teach cross-section, as shown in the table below. Finally, draw a mass diagram based on the calculated cumulative earthwork volume in Excel. (Note: SF = 0.8 and organic material = 10% of the volume cutand fill at each section )

2. Estimate the actual bucket load in bank measure for a shovel bucket whose capacity is 3 cuyd. The shovel is excavating a rock-earth mixture. The mixture weighs 2,250 lb/CY in its natural state and 1,800 lb/CY after excavation.

Question 6 (20 points): A motor with a 200-horsepower output is needed in a factory for intermittent use.A Graybar motor costs $7000 and has an electrical efficiency of 90%. A Blueball motor costs $6000 and has an 85% efficiency. Neither motor would have any salvage value, since the cost to remove it would equal its scrap value. The annual maintenance cost for either motor is estimated at $500 per year. Electric power costs $0.12/kWh (1 hp = 0.746 KW). If an 18% interest rate is used in the calculations, what is the minimum number of hours the higher initial cost Graybar motor must be used each year to justify its purchase? Assume a 20-year life for each motor.

An industrial project uses CSI 33 41 13.40. 1,000 L.F. of 36 inch diameter 12 gauge corrugated metal pipe and 500 L.F. of 48 inch diameter 12 gauge corrugated metal pipe need to be installed.You are a subcontractor supplying the contractor with a crew of B-13 and need to develop a detailed estimate for the bid that will be submitted in 3 days. Since the project is in North Dakota, you need to double the percentages for overhead, contingency and profit. a) Duration (crew days) for 36 inch pipe: b) Duration (crew days) for 48 inch pipe: c) Duration (labor hours) for 36 inch pipe: d) Duration (labor hours) for 48 inch pipe: e) Unit cost ($) for 36 inch pipe: f) Unit cost ($) for 48 inch pipe: g) Total cost of the project ($):

A piece of machinery costs $5000 and has an anticipated $1000 resale value at the end of its five-year useful life. Compute the depreciation schedule for the machinery by the sum-of-years-digits method.

: Consider four mutually exclusive alternatives: Each alternative has a 5-year useful life and no salvage value. The interest rate is 10%. Which alternative should be selected based on: a) Payback period b) Future worth analysis c) Benefit-cost ratio d) If answers in parts a, b, and c differ, explain why this is the case.

3. A hydraulic backhoe excavator is excavating the basement for a large building. The heaped bucket capacity is 1.5 cu yd. The material is common earth with a bucket fill factor of 0.9.Job efficiency is equivalent to a 50-min hour. The machine's maximum depth of cut is 24 ft,and the average digging depth is 13 ft. The average swing angle is 90°. The cycle time for the excavator is 25 seconds. Some of the cut soil from the building project will be used for an-earth-fill dam that requires a compacted volume of 64,000 yd. The soil weighs 2,500 lb/LCY,3,100 lb/BCY, and 3,500 lb/CCY. Estimate the hourly production in loose measure and the working days of the excavator required to complete the earth-fill dam. (note. 1 day = 8 hours)

A heated building is built on a concrete slab with dimensions of 50 x 100 ft (15 x 30 m). The slab is insulated around the edges with 1.5 in. (40 mm) expanded polystyrene, 2 ft (0.61 m) in width. The outdoor design temperature is 10 F (-12 C). Estimate heat loss from the floor slab.

Given: Activity B must start one day before activity A ends; Activity C has a lag of 1 day (F/S)from the previous activity; Activity D must start at the same time as Activity B. a) Develop the Gantt chart for the activities listed in the table for the shortest possibleproject duration. (you could use excel as shown in class or draw the chart on paper). b) Find the cost per day and plot the cumulative project cost vs. time curve for this project.(S-curve). c) Allocate the labor and identify conflicts if maximum 16 laborers are available. Suggest one workable solution and if possible, without extending the project deadline! Draw your solution into a Gantt chart.

A large single-story business office is fitted with nine loose-fitting, double-hung wood sash windows 3 ft wide by 5 ft high. If the outside wind is 15 mph at a temperature of 0 F, what is the percent reduction in sensible heat loss if the windows are weather stripped? Assume an inside temperature of 70 F. Base your solution on a quartering wind.6-3.