Calculate the standard Gibbs free energy of rection at 650 K for the reaction
CO(g) + (1/2) O₂(g) → CO₂(g)
by assuming that the standard molar entalpy of the reaction is independent of the temperature.
AH (CO,g) = -110.5 kJ/mol;
Sᵒm(CO,g) 197.7 J/ (K mol)
AH (CO2.g) = -393.5 kJ/mol ;
Sºm (CO2.9) = 213.8 J/ (K mol)
Sᵒm(02.g) = 205.2 J/(K mol)
O a. 334,3 kJ/mol
O b.-257.2 kJ/mol
O c. -283.0 kJ/mol
O d. 25.77 kJ/mol
O e. -226.8 kJ/mol