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Report layout:

it is very important that the students pay special attention to the format of the document, as

it reflects professionalism and care for the work done.

The teacher will value the professionalism of the infographic in terms of formatting.

presentation of content and application of Project Management principles to their area of

work/job role.

Assessment Tasks and Weighting:

Assessment task

Description of PM principles in hospitality

Examples provided in each PM principle linked to a real-life

example within the hospitality industry

Linking PM principles to current job role and how they should

be applied to successfully carry out projects within/for the


Format (professionalism, layout, following all instructions)

Common skills developed (italics)/ assessed (bold):

1.Manages own 2. Manage


personal and

















6. Treats others

values, beliefs


7 Relates to and


objectively with

opinions with individuals and



9.Receives and

responds to a


of information

13. Uses






ime in achieving




information in a

variety of visual


14. Deals with a

combination of




17.Uses a range

of technological

equipment and


8.Works effectively

as a member of a



in writing



Weighting %




4. Transfers skills

gained to new and


situations and


12.Participates in

oral and nonverbal




of thought


Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Project Management

End of module project. Assignment Question It is said that the only constant in life is change and this is true for many organisations too, be that change to maintain competitive advantage, respond to the competition or to improve performance within the workplace. Regardless of the reason for change, change can impact on people, processes and the culture of an organisation. An organisation's leader(s) can exert influence on how an organisation operates and how effective it is because they determine the structure of an organisation, its objectives and how they are to be achieved. This also has an impact on organisational culture. Using your own organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar, identify a change that has happened or needs to happen. You are a management consultant that has been brought in to assist with the changes that will be needed. With reference to appropriate theory and giving justification for your answers you are tasked to: 1. Advise briefly the change and why it is necessary 2. Analyse the culture of the organisation and consider where and why there might be resistance to the change 3. Identify how leaders need to approach the change to minimise resistance and maximise successful implementation 4. Advise how leadership style and emotional intelligence can impact on the effectiveness of implementing change. Your response should be in the form of a written report of between 1,500 - 2,000 words. The learning outcomes for this assignment are: • Analyse and distinguish among leadership approaches to managing change • Critically evaluate the impact of change on people, processes, products and organisational culture Leaders and managers sole objective is to ensure organisational effectiveness and your reading will consider how effectiveness can be determined and performance managed. Required Reading For this unit you should read the following from Mullins, L.J. (2020) Organisational Behaviour in the Workplace. 12th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. • Chapter 15 - Organisation Culture and Change

TASK 2 – Portfolio of Evidence A. Identify project risks 1. Operations based on risk context 2. Approach to identifying risk 3. Team involvement in the establishment of risk management context and planning

You have been asked to establish the minimum and maximum inventory levels for the guest supplies. Assume that in high season you are going to be fully booked from Monday to Sunday and that amenities are to be replaced daily. The performance standard establishes the following set up of each room as follows: - 2 gels - 2 shampoos - 2 soaps - 2 body-milks In each box of each type, you receive 250 units. The leading time for the delivery is 20 days, and you order monthly. At the moment, your safety level is established at one box of each item. Do you think you need to change it?

Problem #2 Develop a material requirements plan for end item P and its components, given the following tree. Assume that all lead times are one week, and that lot-for-lot ordering is used except for item F, which is ordered in multiples of 500 units. One hundred and fifty units of P should be available at the start of week 4 and at the start of week 8. Beginning inventories are: 20 Ps, 115 As, 100 Es, 220 Fs and 50 Gs Scheduled receipts are: 800 Fs at the start of week 1. D(4) A(2) E(2) F(2) P B(3) C(2) G

4) For the following project, draw the node network, perform the CPM calculations, mark the critical path, and complete the table (you don't need to fill this table in if you explicitly provide the information in your network). IPA Type Rel Lag ES EF LS LF TF FF Activity A B с D Duration 3526 A A ८८०० B с SS FF 3

ePortfolio Entry Focus or Topic 4. Project management skills and teamwork skills you have developed throughout the course. For example, did participating in the team project help you learn about yourself as a leader? team facilitator? Where are you at in relation to EA Stage 1 competencies? Which areas might you need to improve on and how are you going to do it?S

Question 3: You are a planner for a construction project, assigning additional crews made available to the project. The additional workers can be used for the activity of bricklaying or the activity of wall plastering and painting. You have the following facts: ● You have a total of 10 additional crews. Each crew costs 1,000 AED. Each additional crew assigned to bricklaying reduces total project duration by 5 days. Each additional crew assigned to plastering and painting reduces total project duration by 4 days. Each of the activities has to receive at least 1 additional crew. As plastering and paining cannot proceed faster than bricklaying, the number of additional crews for plastering and painting should not exceed the number of additional crews for bricklaying. Each 1 day reduction in total project duration earns you a 500 AED bonus.

Unit Aim: The aim of this online engineering course unit is to develop your skills in conducting research and to introduce you to project management, and associated techniques which are critical to all engineering projects.

Imagine that you are responsible for planning a development project that aims to increase the number of female students in engineering degrees. What are examples of global theoretical assumptions that one might make when developing the project? Imagine you are tasked by the UN to implement a bed net project in a small rural town in sub-Saharan Africa. The town has not had similar projects organized there before but projects like these have been successful elsewhere (such as the NNP ( What are some of the local theoretical assumptions and practical prerequisites that would need to be in place for the project to succeed.

build INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY for an Automated inventory management system of a small business. please do at least three or more policy Three policy in two or three pages including introduction, purposes,etc as given in the sample