REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) GLOBAL AND REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE PROGRAM An Application Guide West Virginia University Biology 321 Science Foundation BSF-24-1 January 2024 Open Invitation To Submit Proposals January 1, 2024 Dear Scientist, Thank you for your interest in the Biology Science Foundation's Global and
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This week we are learning about climate change. Open the link to the IPCC report "Climate Change 2014” and read the “Summary for Policy Makers”. Then, in your own words answer the following questions (do not copy and paste things from the site... use your own words to answer the following questions. It is okay if your English is not perfect, I do not mind, I just prefer to see your own words and thoughts on the topic): What is this report about? What climate change risks/vulnerabilities are identified for your region/continent (pages 21-25)? Did they surprise you? Why or why not? Describe three adaptation measures that have been proposed for addressing global climate change in your region/continent (pages 21-25). In your opinion, which one is the most important? Why? Outline two steps You could take to lower your climate impact. Check the Union of Concerned Scientists for some ideas. Any materials cited should be referenced using the style guidelines established by the American Psychological Association.

Unit 3 - PowerPoint Presentation Please create a presentation of at least 10 slides that cover the following main topics below. • Explain the principles of the Pollution Prevention Act. • Discuss federal clean water, air, and waste laws pertaining to pollution prevention. Summarize the three phases of a pollution prevention audit. • Describe how pollution prevention audits can assess pollutant source control in an organization/industrial facility. • Explain the concept of Life Cycle Analysis and the value of understanding cradle-to-grave management of materials. Your presentation should adhere to the following format. Title Slide: On the title slide, include your name, course number, and date. Slide 1: Introduction - Briefly introduce the contents of your presentation. Slides 2-3: Explain the principles of the Pollution Prevention Act (Section 1.4). Slides 4-5: Discuss federal clean water, air, and waste laws pertaining to pollution prevention (Section 1.2). Slide 6: Summarize the three phases of a pollution prevention audit (Section 18.1 -18.5) Slides 7-8: Describe how pollution prevention audits can assess pollutant source control in an organization/industrial facility (See Study Guide). Slides 9-10: Explain the concept of Life Cycle Analysis and the value of understanding cradle-to- grave management of materials (Section 17.5). Slide 11: Include references, and ensure you list all supporting sources for your slides.

There are many current projects around the world to support sustainable development and growth in urban areas. The general goal is to create livable cities in which people have open spaces, nature, and areas for congregation and relaxation. The idea is also to have well developed public transport systems that would reduce the need for cars and other transport that contribute to air pollution. Through good education programs there can be less litter and reduced waste. Finally, thoughtful use of more eco-friendly products, renewable energy, and materials can make a huge difference in reducing both waste production and energy use. Basically, cities can be built and developed in a way that is healthy for the local environment as well as those living within the city. Curitiba, Brazil, is a city that has become a model of sustainable city growth and quality urban planning. At the following links you can learn more about the different ways in which Curitiba, and its mayor, have supported sustainable, environmentally friendly urban growth. Read and learn about this city at the following links and the textbook, then answer the questions below: PBS Frontline report on Curitiba Wikipedia article Curitiba City Profile Some videos to view: How a Brazilian City Has Revolutionized Urban Planning Jaime Lerner: A song of the city Talk Video Questions to answer: What is the most significant change or project in the city of Curitiba that you feel has influenced it becoming more livable, clean, or sustainable? What do you think the future steps in Curitiba should be? For example, what would be a good 'next project' to continue their movement forth in sustainable development and quality urban planning? Do you feel that any of the planning, projects, policy, education programs, and/or changes they have made would work well in your own city? Which one, and why? Explain.

Figure 14.2a sn The combined distribution, represented by the me, masks the contributions of the individual modes, shown by dashed lines and does not show the nature of The more or less straight-line portion of the distribution between 0.1 and 10 μm can be represented by an inverse power law distribution (the Junge distribution) the surface or mass distributions. For the data shown in Figure 14.2a, AN A log(d,) = 24.0d-3.08 for d in um. Equation 14.1 is empirical; there is no fundamental or theoretical rea- son that the atmospheric aerosol should have this distribution function. Mode Nuclei Accumulation Coarse Particle Data from Whitby (1978). Figure 14.2b presents the urban aerosol size distribution as cumulative number and volume distributions on a log-probability graph. (See Section 4.5.) The distri butions show significant departures from a lognormal distribution, and the contri- butions of the individual modes are hidden. Figures 14.2c and 14.2d respectively show particle number and volume per unit log interval on an arithmetic scale ver- TABLE 14.3 Modal parameters for average urban aerosol.ª CMD CN (µm) (cm-³) 0.014 0.054 0.86 GSD 1.80 2.16 2.21 106,000 32,000 5.4 (14.1) Cvol (µm³/cm³) 0.63 38.4 30.8 sites for the cataly thropogenic chlorofluorocarbons (r to atomic chlorine (CI), which reacts with ozone (O3) to form oxygen (O₂) and chlo rous acid (HOCI). In the polar spring, the sun photodissociates these compounds keeps repeating with the continued destruction of ozone. Volcanic eruptions enhance this process by increasing the stratospheric aerosol, which migrates to the poles and provides additional surface for the catalytic activation of chlorine. See Seinfeld and Pandis (1998). PROBLEMS 14.1 For the modal data given in Table 14.3, what is the particle number per unit mass for each mode? Assume standard particle density. Nyeki, distrib 5211- Puesche 383- Schwar Ant SMIC, MI Sienfe Whit (1

INSTRUCTIONS: In this exercise, you are asked to apply counselling skills to STI risk. In particular, you need to understand the pyramid of risk for STD that is on page 138 in your textbook. You will learn that there are four level of risks for STI, demographic, sexual history, sexual relationship, and sexual behaviour. After reading these risks, develop responding and influencing questions. For example, my first question to client would be: "Please tell me about yourself". Here I try to address the 1st level of risk (see figure 7.3 from the textbook) by using open ended question. I invite client to talk about him/herself so that I know more about the background information that pertains to STI risk level. My next question would be (since it's STI topic), "Have you ever contracted any type of STI before?" - This is the second level according to the pyramid and I used closed ended question. Develop at least 5 questions for this exercise.

1. List the top five things you learned in Society and the Environment power point. State what you learned (in full sentences) and why you found it significant. 1a) 1b) 1c) 1d) 1e)

Assignment 1: A Sense of Place: Geometries of Power Format: 2 pages, double spaced, 12pt font. Total Value = 100 points Pick a site connected to your everyday life: a local park, a community garden, a weedy patch, an alley, the intersection where you live. In this assignment you are asked to observe a site and consider how it is shaped by intersecting geometries of power, or intersectionality. "Intersectionality" names the ways that place is complexly nested, layered, and entangled in the social and economic production of gender, race, class, labour, sexuality, diaspora, citizenship, nation, mobilities, disability, colonialism, capitalism, and so on. Reflect on your rationale for choosing your site and what it might reveal to you about intersectionality. Building on Doreen Massey's discussion of "geometries of power" and Rob Nixon's analysis of "slow violence" your goal is to write description of the geometries of power shaping your site. Assignment Objectives Engage in descriptive writing Develop critical observation skills Engage in intersectional analysis Assignment Instructions Step 1: Critical Observation Go to your site and take notes about your observations. Map the layout and take photos for your own reference if that is helpful. Depending on your site, attend to the following/nWhat kinds of activities happen here? What is the site designed to encourage and discourage? How? Is it different in day or night? How are you positioned by this environment? What humans and non-humans pass through or encounter one another through this site? How do nature and culture interact? What is private/ commoditized and what common? How is capitalism present in your site? What are the sounds and smells of this site? What does this tell you? Is this site polluted? How do you know? What can't you know? Reflect on what feelings the site provokes for you, and why? Step 2. Write Your Description Use your notes as the basis for writing a 2-page, double spaced, 12 pt font, descriptive account of how this "environment" is shaped by intersectionality. When reviewing your notes, decide which observations are most significant for describing the "geometries of power" in this site. You cannot hope to include all that you noticed in just two pages, so it is up to you to decide what is most crucial. Remember your description should capture the layered, nested, and entangled aspect of geometries of power. In terms of your descriptive account, you may choose to write either a formal account, or a more creatively written piece. Either way, your paper will be assessed on its engagement and expression of an intersectional sense of place. Works used should be cited using Chicago Manual of Style Don't forget to include your name the cource dacionator and your TA's namal

WEEKLY DELIVERABLE 1-page report on at least one article¹ on a current issue/problem that the student believes needs to be addressed with a systems thinking approach. This report includes: • the title and source of the article + reference (most likely a link) • what the article refers to • a very brief summary of the content • a brief explanation as to why and how the student sees a systems thinking approach contributing to possible solutions to the issue/problem The journal with the synthesised information for submission will be an absolute maximum of 400² words in length, excluding references.

■ Select one of the 6 podcast episodes to focus ■ Explain your personal perspective(s) on the issues and topics the episode discusses 200 words ■ Include the following structural components o Introductory paragraph naming the podcast episode that you're focusing on Body paragraph (s) supporting your position with references, citations, and description of proper analysis o Closing paragraph/Conclusion that focuses on a personal call-to-action that you can make in your own life Include at least three distinct sources from the course material Minimum two separate text-based sources 1. choose-between-food-security-and-sustainability-bff9754b19ce 2. I will attach it.

1) Why do sociologists study religion? 2) What do sociologists focus on when they study religion? 3) Define religious extremism. 4) What is the connection between religion and absolutist world views? 5) What is the role of religion in social change? 6) What is the role of education in a society? 7) Tell me about the history of education in the U.S. / the rise of compulsory education. 8) Does schooling matter? How? Explain. (Occupation? Income? Social class/mobility?) 9) What is the connection between education and inequality? 10) Discuss how expectations are converted into performance. How do concepts like tracking/labeling and the teacher expectancy effect play into this dynamic?