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Research design and evaluation SPMA1P97 Dr. Michele K. Donnelly Winter 2024 Research Consumption and Production - Assignments (60% of your course grade) Context The research assignment has been developed so

that you have the opportunity to read both academic and industry-based sport management research about topics that interest you. The cumulative final assignment will be to plan a research project. Each assignment builds on the previous assignment(s), and – in each assignment - you are expected to incorporate the feedback you have previously received. By completing this assignment in full, you will have direct experience of being a critical consumer and producer of research that is relevant for sport management as a discipline and profession. There are three (3) parts of this research assignment: 3.1 Research topic and researcher positionality 3.2 Assessment of sport management industry-based research 3.3. Sport management research proposal [Expectations for all research assignments, including the writing and formatting requirements, and the course late policy, are included after the grading rubric.] 3.2 Assessment of sport management industry-based research (20%) For this assignment, you will build on the work you did for the first assignment (3.1 Research topic and researcher positionality), and it should be clear that you have incorporated the feedback you received on that assignment. That means you must use the same topic you identified for the first assignment. Use academic articles (from 3.1 and others) to inform your thinking about both what you read in the sport management industry-based research and your topic and research questions. Cite all sources consistently and appropriately. Be sure to complete both parts of this assignment: 1. assessment of sport industry-based research; and 2. making connections to your research questions. 1. Assessment of sport industry-based research Read one of the examples of sport industry-based research that is posted on the "Sport industry- based research" section of the course Brightspace site (under "Research assignment"). A list of the examples is included at the end of this assignment. There will not be an example that is about your exact research topic. You will choose the example that is most relevant to your topic and research questions (from 3.1). For example, if you are interested in athlete experiences, you might choose the World Athletics Online Abuse Study, the FIFPRO Qualifying Conditions Report, or the Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport guide. SPMA1P97 | Winter 2024 | MKDonnelly Page 1 of 7 You will demonstrate your ability to be a critical consumer of sport management research - a key career skill. For this part of the assignment, include all of the following information. Use full sentences and paragraphs (do not include the questions): What is the topic of the sport industry-based research? Be as specific as possible. Who is responsible for conducting the research and producing the research report? If it is not the same organization/group, who commissioned the study? What are the research questions and/or purpose of the study? 。 Who is the intended audience for the research report? That is, who do the producers think should read and use the study findings? Identify the study's: 1. research design; 2. research population and sample; 3. method(s) of data collection; 4. type(s) of data collected; 5. data analysis strategy(ies); and 6. findings. For each of the above sections (1 to 6), include: o Have the authors/researchers provided enough information to be able to assess the quality of the study? Remember that there are different criteria used to evaluate qualitative research and quantitative research. 。 If you think there is not enough information, what information - specifically - would you like to know more about? o In order to answer these questions effectively, you will need to investigate some of the terminology used in the study. Use Bell, Bryman and Kleinknecht (2023) as your primary resource. For example, if your study indicates that a "nationally representative sample" was used, you need to understand what that means. Based on your assessment of each of the sections, how effective do you think the sport- industry based research is? 2. Making connections to your research questions For this part of the assignment, you will make connections between the sport industry-based research example you assessed and your own research topic and research questions. Include all of the following information. Use full sentences and paragraphs (do not include the questions): First, revise your two research questions from research assignment 3.1. Use the feedback you received on 3.1 to ensure that the research questions are clear, concise, and researchable. According to Wilkinson et al. (2019: 19, 21) a researchable question: ○ Is limited in scope to certain times, places, and conditions; and o Identifies some observable, tangible, countable evidence or data that can be gathered Next, consider how you might use the same approach as the sport industry-based research example to answer one of your research questions. Clearly identify which research question you use for this section. • How did you choose the sport industry-based research example that you used for the first part of this assignment? Why do you think it is the most relevant for your topic and research questions? What aspects of the research design; method(s) of data collection; type(s) of data collected; and data analysis strategy(ies) would you use for your study? Who would be the intended audience for your study? That is, who do you think would read and use your study's findings? SPMA1P97 | Winter 2024 | MKDonnelly Page 2 of 7 Remember that your values, beliefs, and/or experiences influence the decisions you make throughout the research process. Continue to incorporate reflexivity as you write about what you would do. Your assignment should not be longer than six, double-spaced pages following all formatting requirements (this does not include the cover page or reference list). Content beyond six pages will not be read. Citations and sources You must cite relevant sources for any claims you make that are not 'common knowledge'. All citations (in-text and reference list) must use APA citation style. Sport industry-based research examples • Deloitte's "Immersive Sports Fandom" • Deloitte's "The Future of Sports Broadcasting" • • • • • • • • Deloitte's "The Stadium Experience" FIFPRO Qualifying Conditions Report - 2023 Women's World Cup International Tennis Foundation and Ipsos MORI's "Exploring Sports Gender Equality in the Media" Mapping Sport Participation Pilot Project: Row Ontario (Rich et al.) Municipal collaboration in regional event hosting processes: The case of the Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games (Niagara Community Observatory Policy Brief #56) Play the Game's "Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport" (SAPIS survey) Social Science Research Collaboration Platform's "Raising the Visibility of Social Science Research in Sport Integrity" United Against Online Abuse (UAOA) 2024 Barometer Report Women's Sports Foundation's "Chasing Equity" (Women in sport leadership survey) World Athletics Online Abuse Study - World Athletics Championships Oregon22 SPMA1P97 | Winter 2024 | MKDonnelly Page 3 of 7 Content (15 points) Assessment of sport industry-based research (9 points) [exceeds expectations: 7.5-9; meets expectations: 5.5- 7; does not meet expectations: 0-5] □ Introduces one example of sport industry-based research from the list provided Clearly and accurately identifies: The topic ◉ Who is responsible for the study The research questions and/or purpose of the study □ The intended audience for the research report Clearly and accurately identifies and appropriately assesses the study's: (predominantly written in your own words) Research design Research population and sample □ Method(s) of data collection ☐ Type(s) of data collected ㅁ Data analysis strategy(ies) ☐ Findings □ Overall effectiveness □ Clearly and accurately identifies missing information □ Effectively uses Bell, Bryman, and Kleinknecht (2023) for the assessment □ Clearly and accurately applies appropriate evaluation criteria Cites relevant, appropriate sources when necessary Connections to your research questions (6 points) [exceeds expectations: 5-6; meets expectations: 4-4.5; does not meet expectations: 0-3.5] □ Two research questions are clear, concise, and researchable □ Clearly and effectively incorporate feedback received on research assignment 3.1 □ Clearly identifies one research question to focus on SPMA1P97 | Winter 2024 | MKDonnelly [continued...] Page 4 of 7 Clearly and convincingly explains: How you chose the sport industry-based research example used for the first part of the assignment ㅁ The aspects of the research design; method(s) of data collection; type(s) of data collected; and data analysis strategy(ies) you would use for your study □ The intended audience for your study Cites relevant, appropriate sources □ Effectively incorporates evidence of reflexivity Writing (3 points) [exceeds expectations: 2.5-3; meets expectations: 2; does not meet expectations: 0-1.5] ㅁ Clear and concise Uses plain language and design (including subheadings and/or lists if appropriate) ㅁ Formal, academic voice □ Spelling and grammar Format (2 points) [exceeds expectations: 2; meets expectations: 1.5; does not meet expectations: 0-1] Maximum six, doubled-spaced pages (not including cover page and reference list) □ Submitted in .doc file format to the Brightspace course site using naming protocol Cover page includes full name, student number, course number, and a title □ 2.54cm margins, a readable font and 12pt font size, double spaced, page numbers ◉ Full references (in-text citations and reference list) using APA style SPMA1P97 | Winter 2024 | MKDonnelly Page 5 of 7

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In the principles section of your response you are to list and briefly explain the following considerations in beginning physical activity. Briefly explain each of the following: 1. Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. 2. The need for appropriate clothing. 3. The need for appropriate footgear. 4. Physical Activity in the heat and cold. 5. Heat Related Injuries. 6. Water vs. sports drinks 7. Soreness and injury. 8. Muscle cramps. 9. The three parts of a work-out. 10. The Rice Formula. This is the first part of the three part response. Implications In the implications section of your response you are to discuss your personal approach to beginning physical activity. How might your attitude affect your starting physical activity? How might you overcome a negative attitude? You may respond to this section by referencing any related source, but Corbin also provides good references (pgs. 53 to 55). This is the second part of the three part response. References The Corbin text and/or any additional sources may be used as a reference. This is the third part of the three part DQ response.

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DELIVERABLES: 1) The Topics of choice are (highlighted). 2) Read the files attached for the same. 3) Need to write the summary (following the instructions). 4) Need 7 minute worth material for each model. 5) Total 14 minute worth material. 6) FOLLOW THE RUBRIC. Keep the material according to the durations mentioned.

Discussion Question 2 - Referenced from the text in Preparing for Physical Activity, pgs. 43 to 62. The most important consideration in beginning physical activity is to just get started. Still, the text notes that there are factors to consider prior to and during physical activity (Corbin, pg. 44). Principles In the principles section of your response you are to list and briefly explain the following considerations in beginning physical activity. Briefly explain each of the following: 1. Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. 2. The need for appropriate clothing. 3. The need for appropriate footgear. 4. Physical Activity in the heat and cold. 5. Heat Related Injuries. 6. Water vs. sports drinks 7. Soreness and injury. 8. Muscle cramps. 9. The three parts of a work-out. 10. The Rice Formula. This is the first part of the three part response. Implications In the implications section of your response you are to discuss your personal approach to beginning physical activity. How might your attitude affect your starting physical activity? How might you overcome a negative attitude? You may respond to this section by referencing any related source, but Corbin also provides good references (pgs. 53 to 55). This is the second part of the three part response. References The Corbin text and/or any additional sources may be used as a reference. This is the third part of the three part DQ response.

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Corbin has presented a concept that is identified with a figure known as the Physical Activity Pyramid . It shows steps (levels) of activity and gives examples. Moderate physical activity is noted as being "... the foundation of an active lifestyle." Principles In the principles section of your response you are to briefly discuss what the author means by "moderate physical activity". Additionally, you are to give examples of the following: 1. Light physical activity. 2. Moderate physical activity 3. Vigorous physical activity This is the first part of the three part response. Implications In the implications section of your response you are to discuss how you might personally move from one step (level) in the physical activity pyramid to another level. You are to give one or more examples. This is the second part of the three part response. References The Corbin text and/or any additional sources may be used as a reference. This is the third part of the three part DQ response.

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Referenced from the text in Health Benefits of Physical Activity and How Much Physical Activity is Enough? (Corbin, pgs. 63 to 94). Principles In the principles section of your response you are to address two considerations. They are: 1. List and briefly explain at least ten health, wellness, and fitness benefits of physical activity. 2. Briefly explain the significance of the "Four Fitness Zones" (pg. 89).