- injury patterns, incidence levels, severity, training v match play differences, seasonal variations, gender differences etc. 400 words Section 4: Critical evaluation of the FIFA 11+ This section is worth 10 marks. Critically evaluate the FIFA 11+ injury prevention programme. Use references to support this. Why has it worked? Why has it not worked? Compare and contrast the literature. 200-300 words Section 6: Justification of injury prevention exercise drills/exercises. This section is worth 25 marks. Justify using research why you have chosen your drills/exercises from section 5. 600 Words. Section 7: Return to play This section is worth 10 marks. How will you ensure your client is ready to return to play? What tests would you do? Why - justify. What are your RTP criteria? 200 words Check your work as there are 5 marks for presentation and structure. Check use of capital letters, sentences, paragraphs. Is it presented well, logical, clear structure?/n/nNOTE: Assignment file is attached, do have a look at it. We need to do section 1, 3,4,6,7 ONLY. In the table file there are 5 exercises as you can see, In section 6 you need to justify using research why we have chosen these drills/exercises from section 5 (The table file). OUR CHOOSEN SCENARIOS IS Scenario 1: You have a 28 year old male footballer who plays for his local Sunday league side and his University first team. He plays 2 games a week, trains twice a week (once with his local team and once with his Uni team) and he also goes to the gym once a week to "do a bit of gym stuff, mainly upper body and a bit of legs". He suffered a grade 2 hamstring tear 2 years ago to the muscle belly of biceps femoris. Rehab was successful and he returned to play after 8 weeks. He has not had any problems since but does feel his "hamstrings feel tight, tight at the start and then tired at the end of training and games" One DELIVERABLES word FILE IS ATTACHED AS WELL, it explains how we need to address each section. Go through the file carefully. PROVIDE ANSWERS IN A SEPARATE WORD FILE.
Fig: 1