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Read chapter 3 Musculoskeletal Conditions. Answer study guide questions but not for submission yet. .Posture Assignment 1) Read chapter 3 "Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disorders" Answer and submit the study questions at the end of the chapter. 2) Be sure to view the video's in the "Course Material" section on posture PRIOR to doing your assignment. 3) Do a Posture analysis on a person. Have the subject dress in shorts and a tight fitted sport top. ( no baggy shirts). Take 3 clear photo's with the subject in front of a door or non busy background. Facing Forward (Palms Forward), Facing Sideway's. Facing Backwards. Analyze the posture (5 pts) and prescribe 3 exercisers (5 pts) that can be done at home to correct any deviations or done to maintain good posture.. Write the program in grid form. Submit the photo's, observations and program on Blackboard.

2. Explain what is significant with her lab results using the ABG normal values and the nursing mnemonic ROME which was also referenced in week #2 of this course.

2. your topic 1. The Physiology of Extreme Environments • Topic: Respiratory responses in high-altitude climbers: Python L et al. 2016. Physiological characteristics of elite high-altitude climbers. 3. Preparing your assessment You should read the scientific paper that you have been assigned in detail (and possibly any papers that may have cited this work subsequently). Your scientific article should address the following aspects of the physiological discovery (ie the mechanisms of the phenomenon/system): • Describe the key features of the phenomenon/system and the rationale for the study • Explain how these findings fit into the wider picture, including how the latest findings may help us to prevent/alleviate or treat pathophysiological conditions associated with this system

GUIDELINES: For your initial post you must: • Identify key anatomical features of your selected organ system, list them, and describe each briefly. • Identify key physiological functions of the organ system and its key histology features (i.e., the cell and tissue types found in this organ system) that enable its physiological functions. • List these features with a brief description of each physiological function and cell/tissue type. • List 2 interesting facts and 2 health issues related to this organ system. Include a brief description of each one. • List your research sources for the initial post such as valid websites (CDC, etc.), and links to the scientific articles, but NOT Wikipedia.

Highlight and explain the key findings/data from the research article. . Identify and explain 3 to 4 key findings/results which best address the aim of the paper. Each key finding may be represented by either a single panel from a figure e.g. 1A, several panels from a figure, a full figure, full table or indeed part of a table, if appropriate. Being selective in your choice of data presentation is key i.e. consider carefully if all panels from a figure are essential or all the content of a table is required, for example. What did the researchers conclude from the results data?

TO DO: 15-16 SLIDES( PUT IT IN A SLIDESHOW FORMAT) EXCEPT BIBLIOGRAPHY Throughout this course we have explored numerous biological molecules and processes that normally contribute to the maintenance and control of a stable cellular environment (and by extension, to the health and vitality of the organism). But this is not always the case. When cellular processes do NOT occur or function normally, disease and disorder can result. Your task is to explore in depth a specific disease or disorder that results from the absence or dysfunction of biological molecules and/or processes. This could be a disease/disorder that specifically affects one of the systemsexplored in this course (nervous, endocrine, or urinary); it could be a genetic condition that results from mutation; and/or it could be a metabolic syndrome.

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease that interferes with synaptic transmission and leads to muscle weakness. In your mini-review, describe how neuromuscular transmission is affected by autoantibodies in MG and mention one of the available treatment options.

Which of the following cell types can be used in cell therapy to treat macular degeneration?

Red blood cells (RBCs) contain 0.9% NaCl in the intracellular fluid (ICF). What concentration of NaCl should the extracellular fluid (ECF) be to maintain an isotonic solution in which the cell does not shrink or burst?

The 50 MWCO dialysis membrane was permeable to NaCl. What effect did adding NaCl to the left beaker have on diffusion and osmosis? Why did this occur?

8. Using your knowledge of mitosis and meiosis, explain how the regenerative mutantabilities of a wolverine function?

What is the osmolarity of a 5.55 mM glucose solution? Show your work.

Tonicity is dependent on the osmolarity of which of these types of solutes (penetrating or non-penetrating) in the ICF and ECF?

The thyroidectomized rat had its thyroid gland surgically removed. Which hormone(s) is it unable to produce.

1. List at least three things that your body strives to keep constant. (9 points) Think about what aspects of your body overall, of one body organ, or of your blood stay nearly unchanged all the time.

4. Describe in general a process desert plants might need to carry out in order to maintain homeostasis. (4 points) All plants need water; think about how plants in an area without much water might be able to live.

2. Describe one way in which each of the items you listed in Part 1 could be at least temporarily disrupted from equilibrium. Can you think of a way your body could respond to restore homeostasis after one of these disruptions? (3 points) Think about things that stress the body or do not supply the body's needs properly.

What was the effect of propylthiouracil (PTU) injections on the thyroidectomized rat's BMR? How does the BMR in this case compare with the normal rat's BMR? Why was this effect observed?

Why is a pure water infusion not used to treat a dehydrated patient?

What is the osmolarity of a 136.893 mM NaCl solution? Show your work. What is the osmolarity of a 5.55 mM glucose solution? Show your work.

A patient has an end-diastolic left ventricle volume of 110 mL. If his heart rate is 80 bpm and his ejection fraction is 70%, what is the patient's cardiac output? 10 L/min 5 L/min 3 L/min 6.2 L/min 8 L/min

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