
The chocolate peanut factory One worldwide-recognised brand in the field of agroindustry manufactures the industrial chocolate peanut snack W&W's in three steps. Initially, the peanuts are sieved in order to remove

broken grains (B); then, the unbroken peanuts (P) are driven to the next unit where are first roasted and then covered with chocolate (C). Following, the third step consists of a crusting operation, where each piece is covered with a layer of a sugar (S) - water (W) mixture and then is dried. The scheme below shows the process. Qkg/h 0.590 kg P/kg 0.410 kg B/kg Sieving Qkg Bih Qkg P/h Qkg C/h Roasting & Coating Qkg/h C/kg w kg P/kg Qkg/h Cikg wkg P/kg Qkg/h 0.660 kg S/kg 0.340 kg W/kg Crusting Qkg W/h Qkg/h 0.290 kg C/kg 0.430 kg P/kg 0.280 kg S/kg The stream Qe is made of low quality pieces that cannot be commercialised so it keeps the same composition as the product sent to crusting unit. In average, there are 10 kg of satisfactorily coated peanuts per each kg of rejected peanuts. If the production of commercial W&W's is stated to be 1000.0 kg/h, find the mass flowrate and compositions of the rest of streams, this is, all feeds (Q₁, Q4 and Q₂) and exits (Q3, Q6, Qs and Q9). Assume that the process operates in steady state.

Fig: 1