TO DO - Need to Summarize the following research paper and comment on the direction they could go next or how to make the paper better! (your own Idea) WORD LIMIT - 250 ( altogether), MLA/n frontiers in Pharmacology REVIEW published: 03 February 2021 doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.601626 Check for updates Biodegradable Polym

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Make a graph of column F in the isometric weights spreadsheet (50 lb column). What part of the typical processing of EMG does the signal in the F column look like?

In an experiment the transport of the neurotransmitter serotonin into cultured mammalian cells was measured. Batches of cells were incubated with solutions of different concentrations of radio labelled [3H]-serotonin for a defined time, cells were then separated from the incubation buffer, and serotonin accumulated into the cells was determined by scintillation counting. The rate of transport is given as dpm/min* (see table below). In order to elucidate the transport mechanism, the experiment was conducted under two different conditions, i.e., in condition A normal transport buffer was used, and in condition B the transport buffer did not contain any Na* ions.[Notes: * dpm/min means disintegrations per minute and is a measure of the intensity of-radioactivity of a radio-labelled compound; it is directly related to the rate of transport for this compound] 11. Draw a graph (by using Excel or similar), plotting the serotonin concentration against the-transport rate under both conditions. (5 Marks). 12. What transport rates for each condition would you expect if the experiment was repeated-using 12μM [³H] serotonin? Add your estimate into the table above. (5 Marks). 13. Examine the plot obtained for condition A; what can you conclude with regards to-whether or not the transport of serotonin into these cells requires a protein? Explain your conclusion. (10 Marks). 14. Compare the plots of the transport rates for both conditions. What is most likely mechanism of transport for serotonin into these cells? Explain your interpretation. (10Marks).

1- Write an essay on the importance of anthropometry and how anthropometric data can be used in the design of workplaces to protect the workers from work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

1. Why is it necessary to maintain aseptic conditions in microbiology? 2. Explain why the following steps are necessary during sub culturing: dFlaming the inoculating loop before and after each inoculation (= b. Cooling the inoculating loop before touching the inoculum/culture ( Flaming the neck of tubes/bottles after capping and before re-capping ( Can pure culture be prepared directly from a mixed culture? Explain your answer. 4. You have been asked to determine the bacterial count in a sample of water. The-number of CFU from 1 ml of a 106 dilution was 43 and 49 on duplicate agar plates.per ml of the original sample of water? (5What is the total number of microorganisms-marks)

5. [Total: 8 pts] Muscle stretch reflex The figure below shows a simplified model of muscle stretch reflex in an experimental anesthetized animal. The model describes how the muscle stretch reflex regulates the muscle length. All variables shown have been linearized and represent fluctuations around its mean value under normal resting condition. Z represents external neural frequency stimulating the spinal cord. fa represents the total change in afferent neural frequency. The spinal cord, represented by the gain Gc, converts the incoming neural input to the neural output fe- The changes in the efferent neural frequency, fe, are relayed through motor neurons to the muscle. The muscle converts the efferent neural frequency to changes in muscle length L. The gain of this conversion is-G. Note that the gain is negative because increases in efferent neural frequency lead to decreases in muscle length. The change in the muscle length is sensed by the muscle spindle. The muscle spindle relays the neural output, fs, to the spinal cord through sensory neurons. This process is represented by the gain Gg. fa fe Gc Z -GM Gs fs L a) [4 pts] Suppose that animal A is injected with a drug that disrupts neurotransmission, blocking the sensory neurons. Under such condition, is the system operating as a negative feedback system? Explain your answer. Please also state which gain(s) is affected by the sensory nerve blockade. b) [4 pts] Under which condition between normal and sensory nerve blockade would result in stronger muscle contraction for the same level of the external stimulation Z? Explain your answer.

2. [15 pts] Assume the metabolic hyperbola for CO₂ given by the following equation: 863 - Vcoz V₁ PACO2 Pico2+ where the normal steady-state CO₂ production is 235 mL/min and the inspired CO₂ concentration (or volumetric fraction) is 0. Also, assume a dead-space ventilation rate of 1 L/min. Also, suppose the steady-state ventilatory response to CO₂ is given by the following equation: 32 Vc = Drive external +(1.46 + (Paco2-37) and Vc 20 Pa02-38.6) Note that the above equation is slightly modified from what we derived in class in that a constant term, Drive external is added to the equation. This drive represents an additional source of control that affects ventilatory response e.g., sleep-wake state, alertness, etc. At normal state (resting and awake), let Drive external = 0. a) [5 pts] Use MATLAB to plot the metabolic hyperbola for CO₂ and the ventilatory response to CO₂ under normal condition. Show both graphs on the same figure (see hold function). Label both axes with appropriate units. Also indicate which graph represents the me the metabolic hyperbola for CO₂ and which graph represents the ventilatory response to CO₂ (see legend function). The plot should show the range of ventilation from 0-20 L/min and the range of PACO₂ from 30-60 mmHg (see xlim and ylim functions). Determine the normal steady-state values of ventilation and Pacoz from the plot (e.g., click on the plot where you want to obtain the x-y coordinates). Note: For the metabolic hyperbola for CO₂, please plot V against PACO₂ i.e., you would take the dead-space ventilation into consideration. b) [4 pts] The onset of sleep causes the external drive to breathe to drop by -5 L/min. State which parameter changes and to what value. Show the graphs representing this situation and report the steady-state values of ventilation and Pacoz. c) [4 pts] Follows from b), how would inhalation of a gas mixture containing 3% CO₂ in air (i.e., volumetric fraction of 0.03) during sleep affect the steady-state values of ventilation and Pacoz? State which parameter changes and to what value. Show the graphs representing this situation and report the steady-state values of ventilation and Pacoz. You may assume that the subject is at sea level. d) [2pt] Copy and paste the MATLAB code you used in this question (all parts). You may take a picture of your MATLAB script, but please make sure that the code is clearly readable from the image.

1. [5 pts] Construct the glucose-insulin regulation model in Simulink as outlined in Fig. 3. The parameter values shown in Fig. 3 are the values of a normal adult. Set the Simulink model to run simulations for a total duration of 24 hours. Although Simulink generally assumes time to be measured in seconds, the units of the model parameters give time in hours-so, you can treat the durations you enter into Simulink as hours (instead of seconds). The initial conditions of normal blood glucose and insulin concentrations are 0.81 mg/mL and 0.055 mU/mL, respectively. These initial values of blood glucose and insulin concentrations should be set in the respective Integrator blocks (shown as in Simulink). To set the initial values in the integrator block, double click the block to open the Block Parameters window. Enter the initial value (e.g., 0.81 for glucose) in the Initial Condition field, and click OK. Run a simulation for a normal adult (Subject N) over 24 hours without any external glucose input (i.e., U(t) = 0). Show the graph of glucose and insulin concentrations as a function of time as 2-by-1 subplots i.e., the glucose concentration is the top subplot and the insulin concentration is the bottom subplot. Label all axes. You may plot using the Scope in Simulink or plot in MATLAB using the simulation results that are sent to MATLAB Workspace. Save this Simulink model as "glucose_N.slx".

- *S5: Discuss appropriate and informed career management choices and entrepreneurial issues* - Consider including a section on the practical applications of studying flaviviruses and pseudotyped viruses in terms of career opportunities and entrepreneurship.

ments ons Button rations A pasting it into the reply area of the discussion. De sure to come back and respond to your group members. ib S R Description: UAB Hospital has decided to purchase a unique and very expensive type of MRI scanning equipment (to detect tumors). Look up some information on the internet about what is MRI equipment and how would it be used by a health care provider. The General Electric Company (GE) is a major provider of MRI equipment. It is important for the sales manager of GE Healthcare to understand who is likely to be involved in the buying center for this purchase at UAB Hospital. Each person may influence the purchase and perhaps influence it in different ways. The sales manager needs to see if all of the different buyer center's needs are being met, and if not, why not. Clearly, this kind of thinking can help guide the sales strategy. See the section in the book about "Multiple buying influence in a buying center" for more discussion of the buying center concept. INITIAL POST: In a few sentences, introduce yourself to your new discussion group. . Then address these points related to the case above: . Who might be involved in the buying center? • Explain your answer and describe the type of influence that different people in the buying center at UAB Hospital would have on the purchase.

(A) Reverse engineer a piece of medical technology. This must include: 1. A brief history of the science leading to its development, and the development of the technology. 2. A careful, physical analysis of how the device works. This must include a schematic or diagram and the math describing the physics. 3. Evaluation of how the device is applied, the impact it has on humanity, and how it could be improved in the future. Citations of strong sources are required DEVICE: Defibrillator for each question