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Visual T..S T₂ ·235 T₂.525 .48 .49 TA T5 ть T₂ FFF ·57 BE 312 Lab #2 2. Enter the mean reaction time for this exercise in Table 1. Exercise 4

Data Analysis 1. Use the same technique explained in Exercise 1 to measure and record the reaction times of the subject presented with predictable auditory signals. 2. Enter the mean reaction time for this exercise in Table 1. FINAL STEP: Enter your mean RT data into the spreadsheet provided. Name this spreadsheet TeamLxxx_lab2.xlsx where xxx is your team #. Upload this to the Box folder for Lab2. This must be done before Monday. Table 1: Mean Reaction Times for Different Signals. • T₂ TA Ts T₂ T₂- TB 18 Та То Auditory Signal Visual Auditory Prompted Auditory ·5 .52 •605 Report Questions 49 1. Include a completed Table 1 Questions Exercise 1 and 2 Predictable Auditory Mean Reaction Time of Your Subject (ms) Mean Reaction Time of All Subjects (ms) 0.045 0.125 0.035 Shortest Mean Reaction Time in Class (ms) Longest Mean Reaction Time in Class (ms) 2. How does the subject's mean reaction time to visual signals compare to his or her mean reaction time to auditory signals? 3. What would cause a longer reaction time to one type of signal as compared to another? 4. How do your subject's mean reaction times compare to those of other subjects? 5. Do all subjects respond more quickly to the same signal? 71-0-025 T₁-0-125 0.070 Questions Exercise 3 and 4 6. To which auditory signal did your subject respond most quickly? -0.055 7. To which auditory signal did your subject respond to most slowly? For what reasons? 0.055 8. Did your subject respond more quickly or more slowly to same auditory signal as the other members of the class? -0.195 -0.070 Prompted Auditony 9. Using the entire class data, create scatter plots of the Mean Reaction time for all subjects for each of the four cases. Comment on each of these. 0-125 0.115 -0.105 0.035 0.105 0.055 0-170 0.125 0.145 Predictable Auditony 0045 0.125 0.015 0.185 0.035 0.035 0.185 0.055 -0.035 0.135 -0.025

Fig: 1