WORKSTRINGS INTERNATIONAL YOUR FRET CHOCE IN DOWNHOLE TUBULAR RENTALS SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY Asset Number: WS38-12 Pipe Body: OD (in): Wall Thickness (in): Nominal ID (in): Tensile Strength (lbs): Torsional
Strength (ft-lbs): Burst Capacity (psi): Collapse Capacity (psi): Nominal 100% RBW 4.000 0.330 3.340 513,645 41,918 19,491 20,141 95% RBW 3.967 0.314 3.340 485,769 39,586 21,161 18,604 Notes: Body properties are calculated based on uniform OD and wall thickness. Burst capacity for Nominal (100% RBW) based on 87.5% RBW per API. Connection: TT390 TJ OD (in): 4.875 TJ ID (in): 2.688 MYS (ksi): 130 Maximum MUT is recommended based on thread compound friction factor (unless stated). Lower than maximum MUT should only be used when MUT is limited by rig equipment or connection tensile. Lower than minimum MUT should never be used. Ultra Class 90% RBW 3.934 0.297 3.340 458,124 37,281 20,048 17,042 Maximum MUT (ft-lbs): Tension at Shoulder Separation @ Max MUT (lbs): Tension at Connection Yield @ Max MUT (lbs): ANDROID APP ON Google play Drill Pipe Performance Sheet Premium 80% RBW 3.868 0.264 3.340 403,526 32,752 17,820 13,836 1.0 FF 29,700 Tensile Limited 411,500 Minimum MUT (ft-lbs): 21,200 Tension at Shoulder Separation @ Min MUT (lbs): 686,600 Tension at Connection Yield @ Min MUT (lbs): 686,700 Tool Joint Torsional Strength (ft-lbs): 42,400 Tool Joint Tensile Strength (lbs): 686,700 Tubular Assembly: 32,670 Tensile Limited 411,500 23,320 686,600 686,700 Adjusted Weight (lbs/ft): 16.70 Approximate Length (ft): 32.3 46,640 686,700 Box TJ Length (in): 18 Pin TJ Length (in): 14 Upset Type: IU Max Upset OD (in): 4.188 Drift Size (in): 2.563 Size and Weight: 4.000" 14.00 ppf 0.330" wall IU Grade: S-135 34,155 Tensile Limited 411,500 Note: These are OEM values that may vary with actual values due to mill tolerances, IPC tolerances, OEM rounding, and other factors. Pipe is purchased at a guaranteed 95% RBW. IPC is applied to a nominal thickness of 0.009". Pipe will have an ID of 3.285", which is smaller than pipe purchased at 87.5%. 1.1 FF 1.15 FF Elevator Shoulder: 24,380 686,600 686,700 48,760 686,700 TT390 is a trademark of NOV Grant Prideco. Note: There is no published pressure rating for this connection. *ADJUST makeup torque according to thread compound friction factor (FF) greater than 1.0 up to 1.15 FF. Not to exceed 1.15 regardless of dope FF.* Reference Page 3 Range: 2 Tool Joint: 4.875" x 2.688" TT390 Fluid Displacement (gal/ft): 0.26 Fluid Displacement (bbls/ft): 0.0061 Fluid Capacity w/IPC (gal/ft): 0.43 Fluid Capacity w/IPC (bbls/ft): 0.0101 Fluid Capacity w/o IPC (gal/ft): 0.43 Fluid Capacity w/o IPC (bbls/ft): 0.0102 Download the Workstrings International Pipe Specification App on the App StoreSM or Google Play™ Smooth Edge Height (in): 3/32 Smooth Edge OD (in): 5.063 SE Elevator Shoulder Capacity (lbs): 631,400 Nominal TJ OD (in): 4.875 Nominal TJ OD Elevator Shoulder Capacity (lbs): 470,200 Assumed Elevator Bore (in): 4.281 Note: Elevator capacity based on assumed elevator bore, no wear factor, and contact stress of 110, 100 psi. An increased elevator shoulder OD increases elevator capacity without affecting make-up torque. The technical information contained herein, including the product performance sheet and other attached documents, has been extracted from information available from the manufacturer and is for reference only and not a recommendation. The user is fully responsible for the accuracy and suitability of use of the technical information. Workstrings International cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained through the use of this material. No expressed or implied warranty is intended. Drill pipe assembly properties are calculated based on uniform OD and wall thickness. No safety factor is applied. The information provided for various inspection classes and for various wear conditions (remaining body wall) is for information only and does not represent or imply acceptable operation limits. It is the responsibility of the customer and the end user to determine the appropriate performance ratings, acceptable use of the product, maintain safe operational practices, and to apply a prudent safety factor suitable for the application. For API connections that have different pin and box IDs, tool joint ID refers to the pin ID. Per Chapter B, Section 4 VII of the IADC drilling manual, it is recommended that drilling torque should not exceed 80% of MUT. 12-Jun-20 Download on the App Store Connection TurboTorque 390 Pipe Body U Operational Limits of Drill Pipe Tool Joint Specified Minimum Yield Strength Pipe Body Grade 80 % Inspection Class Pipe Body OD (ft-lbs) Combined Loading for Drill Pipe at 29,700 Maximum Make-up Torque Operational Assembly Torque Tool Joint OD Max Tension (lbs) = Min MUT 21,200 22,100 23,100 24,000 25,000 25,900 26,900 27,800 28,800 Max MUT 29,700 (in) 4.875 (in) 403,500 411,500 403,100 411,500 401,900 411,500 399,900 411,500 411,500 396,900 393,400 411,500 388,700 411,500 383,100 411,500 376,900 411,500 369,300 411,500 360,600 411,500 351,400 411,500 340,300 411,500 327,800 411,500 314,700 411,500 298,900 411,500 281,100 411,500 262,100 411,500 238,800 411,500 212,300 411,500 Pipe Body Connection Max Max Tension Tension (lbs) 686,600 657,700 625,300 596,200 563,800 534,600 502,200 Make-up Torque Connection Max Tension (ft-lbs) 473,000 440,600 411,500 4 0 403,500 1,500 403,100 401,900 2,900 4,400 399,900 5,900 396,900 7,300 393,400 8,800 388,700 10,300 383,100 11,700 376,900 13,200 369,300 14,700 360,600 16,100 351,400 17,600 340,300 19,100 327,800 20,500 314,700 22,000 298,900 23,500 281,100 24,900 262,100 26,400 238,800 27,900 212,300 Operational drilling torque is limited by the Make-up Torque. (ft-lbs) (lbs) Tool Joint ID (lbs) Wall Thickness Connection Make-up Torque Range (in) 2.688 (in) 0.330 Combined Loading for Drill Pipe at Minimum Make-up Torque = 21,200 Pipe Body Max Tension Operationa Assembly I Torque (ft-lbs) Max Tension (lbs) 403,500 403,300 402,800 401,900 400,700 (lbs) (psi) Connection Max Tension 403,500 686,600 686,600 403,300 402,800 686,600 401,900 686,600 400,700 686,600 399,200 686,600 397,100 686,600 395,000 686,600 392,200 686,600 389,000 686,600 385,800 686,600 381,800 686,600 377,400 686,600 373,000 367,700 362,400 356,100 349,300 342,600 686,600 334,700 686,600 (lbs) 686,600 686,600 686,600 686,600 686,600 130,000 0 1,000 1,900 2,900 3,900 4,800 399,200 5,800 397,100 6,700 395,000 7,700 392,200 8,700 389,000 9,600 385,800 10,600 381,800 11,600 377,400 12,50 373,000 13,500 367,700 14,400 362,400 15,400 356,100 16,400 349,300 17,300 342,600 18,300 334,700 Operational drilling torque is limited by the Make-up Torque. S-135 (ft-lbs) Note: Recommended MUT should always be used when possible. If not possible, MUT should be as close to Recommended MUT as possible. Note: The technical information contained herein, including the product performance sheet and other attached documents, is for reference only and should not be construed as a recommendation. The user is fully responsible for the accuracy and suitability of use of the technical information. NOV Grant Prideco cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained through the use of this material. No expressed or implied warranty is intended. Drill pipe assembly properties are calculated based on uniform OD and wall thickness. No safety factor is applied. The information provided for various inspection classes and for various wear conditions (remaining body wall) is for information only and does not represent or imply acceptable operating limits. It is the responsibility of the customer and the end user to determine the appropriate performance ratings, acceptable use of the product, maintain safe operational practices, and to apply a prudent safety factor suitable for the application. For API connections that have different pin and box ID's, tool joint ID refers to the pin ID. Per Chapter B, Section 4 VII of the IADC drilling manual, it is recommended that drilling torque should not exceed 80% of MUT. Wellbore 06-17-2015 Grant Prideco |NOY Technologies - Makeup Torque Guidelines Good COPPER-BASED thread compound is recommended for rotary-shouldered drill pipe connections by the OEM. Be LIBERAL with the thread compound in the box, the base of the box, and on the pin using a copper-based or a compatible thread compound. WORKSTRINGS INTERNATIONAL® "YOUR FIRST CHOICE IN DOWNHOLE TUBULAR RENTALS" A SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY Ensure 360 DEGREES of coverage of the threads and torque shoulders. Ensure 360 DEGREES of coverage on the seal surfaces on completion pipe. Always ENSURE proper pipe alignment. ADJUST makeup torque according to thread compound Friction Factor (FF) greater than 1.0 FF up to 1.15 FF. Workstrings Engineering is available for more information. MINIMIZE clamp pressure with the tongs or iron roughneck. MAXIMIZE the distance between the box shoulder and lower jaw die per OEM guidelines (1"-2" minimum for most tool joints). Use a SLOW rotation speed during spin-up and break-out of the first 5-6 threads - especially critical for premium and completion connections. NOTE: More detailed running procedures for proprietary rotary-shouldered connections are available from the OEM's website (NOV Grant Prideco and Tenaris), Workstrings Engineering or Workstrings’ website. Download on the App Store ANDROID APP ON Google play 10:34 AM WORKSTRINGS INTERNATIONAL THESE CHERY SERVICES TOUTE For more information about our products and services, please contact our office below or use the search option for other locations. Global Headquarters Workstrings International LLC Address: Email: 1150 Smede Highway Broussard, LA 70518 All Locations Global Headquarters 1150 Smede Hwy Broussard, LA 70518 - USA Phone: +1 337-989-9675 Email: Saint Martinville New Iberia. Phone: 337-989-9675 Fax: 337-492-0012 Toll Free: 888-978-7464 PIPE SPECIFICATION MOBILE APP Download the Workstrings International Pipe Specification App on the App Stores or Google Play™ The App allows users to access specifications for the most commonly used sizes and connections of drill pipe, landing string, HWDP, drill collars and tubing providing the option to view and email specification sheets conveniently using your mobile device. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. EMEA Corporate Kirkton Avenue, Dyce Aberdeen, AB21 OBF -UK Phone: +44 1224-724900 Email: Engineering & Marketing 11330 Clay Road, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77041 - USA Phone: +1 281-999-0047 Email: