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3 Problem description • Submit a binary classification model trained using the training data (variable name D) from '' in Moodle's 'Final Report' section • Choose from four types of binary classification models: linear model, neural network, decision tree, or support vector machine (multiple selections allowed) • The evaluation will be based on a combination of remote lecture reports and midterm checkpoint results, totaling 50 points. The final report will be graded out of 50 points for each model, with the total score (maximum 250 points) and 100 points, whichever is lower, being the final grade • The grading will be based on the classification accuracy [%] on our test data, divided by 2 (Errors will result in 0 points. Additionally, points will be deducted progressively for lack of summary or explanation of the model, insufficient training description, or deficiencies in the source code). ニューラルネットワーク How to submit in moodle • Perform three tasks: a brief summary of the model you chose from linear models, neural networks, decision trees, and support vector machines; the method of training; and upload the source code written for the function that performs classification. • Refer to the next slide for the source code of the function that performs classification. • If multiple people submit identical source code with the same parameters, those individuals will receive zero points./nNeed to write Code with Screenshots of output And Report with Comments Also do one or two models for the sake of comparison

Fig: 1