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3. Process Hazard Identification 50% group 10 10 50% individual Major process hazards Prevention and mitigation measures Risk analysis of major identified hazardous events via e.g. fault tree analysis - based on safety critical equipment / facilities. Revised control strategy of major equipment based on Risk analysis

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Chemical Process Safety

Calculate the relief load for the fire case - approximate the vessel wetted surface area by using a cylinder around the dished ends. Choose the most appropriate value for the mass influx case from the solvent tank and explain why heat input from the coil is NOT a relief case, with reasons. Calculate the relief valve area for the fire case (assume Kd (de-rated) for the relief valve =0.88)

QUESTION 2 1. Your quality control/quality assurance manager has requested your assistance in the testing and repair facility. One of the test procedures utilizes a radiation source that is emitting gamma radiation at a rate of 50 mrem/hour at a distance of 1 foot. This testing is done for approximately 2 hours per day, 2 days per week. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a PEL of 1.25 rem per quarter and 5 rem per year. a. Determine the employee's exposure for 1 year. b. Calculate the exposure rate if the employee was moved to a distance of 3 feet from the radiation source. c. Calculate the exposure rate of the employee if a 5 cm lead shield was installed between the source and the detector. The employee is working at a distance of 1 foot from the source. [u for lead, (662 keV gamma ray) = 1.23cm-¹]

(2) Multi-Unit, Multi-Reaction Process (50 pts) The diagram below shows a process to produce a product E from A and B. In addition to the information labeled on the diagram, it is known that the recycle stream to Reactor P (stream 6) has the molar ratio of A to B equal to 1:9. You are asked to find (1) the split ratio of the recycle to purge flow and (2) the overall fractional conversion of A. Follow the general protocol to: organize the information (label the diagram, write aux. equations, write goals) (10 pts) analyze the problem (clearly state a solution strategy based on DOF analysis without solving the entire process, use the DOF tables below if needed) (30 pts) solve for the goals (pick a basis or convert units if necessary, write relevant material balances and solve). Suggestion: do the algebra until you finish everything else (10 pts) nĄ.4 a) b) c) n₁.1 B.1 P1: A+B → 2C P2: A + 2B → 3D Reactor P n₁.6 ńB.6 ń₁.2 nc.2 np. 2 Q: 2C + D → E Reactor Q n₁,3 ńD. 3 ŻE.3 R: D+E 4B Reactor R = 18 lbmol/s Splitter n₁,5 = 4 lbmol/s np. 5 ŻE.5 np.4 nE.4/nDOF IstrV IsysV Variables SF SC AUX AUX MBS DOF If I had solved (unit/system): the we would get a new DOF for: IstrV IsysV Variables SF SC Specified syst. vars. MBS NEW DOF → P Q (which unit/system) After solving the above unit/system, Spltr R has DOF = 0 and can be solved to determine After solving the above unit/system, Strategy to solve for the goals (you may not need all lines below): Process has updated DOF = 0 and can be solved to determine I/O (which variables) has updated DOF = 0 and can be solved to determine

4 In a unit where grain is steeped, sulfur dioxide is added directly to grain and water. Operators have long complained about sulfur dioxide fumes, citing runny noses, teary eyes, coughing, and headaches. The concentration has been checked many times and has always measured lower than OSHA specifications. Management's stance has always been, "Don't spend money to fix something if it isn't broken." A few employees have quit, citing allergies and other medical problems. Operators in the area have requested an engi- neering study to remedy the situation. Chris is given the job of investigating whether the exhaust fan should be replaced with an expensive ventilation system. What are Chris's obli- gations? Can they all be met? What creative strategies can you suggest to Chris to deal with this situation? Suchel Look un this article, and Maximum points: 100 Submit an MS Word .docx document via Canvas Margins 0.75 inch on all sides, 12 point font, Times New Roman throughout, 1.5 line spacing for text. Use expressions and definitions introduced in the Ethics chapter in your writing if appropriate. Chris's obligations: List at least five obligations. Under each obligation write at least two sentences regarding why he can likely meet this obligation or not. Creative strategies: List at least two creative strategies to deal with the situation. Write at least three sentences discussing each strategy. Rubrik: followed the format, no spelling errors, no style "Normal" present in the document: 25 points Obligations: 5 points each obligation, 25 points total Strategies: 25 points each strategy If more Obligations and/or Strategies beyond the requirement above are offered then this can be used to make up for points missed elsewhere, with the same amount of points per item as described above.

sponse QUESTION 4 1. There are several gas cylinders that are under pressure, which are located outside of the maintenance department. As the safety professional, you have been asked a couple of questions regarding this issue. Please provide the correct responses, and discuss your recommendations for any control measures. a. The volume of the gas cylinder is 25.7 liters and exerts a pressure of 670 mmHg. If part of the gas is used, the pressure drops to 595 mmHg. What would be the remaining volume of gas? b. One of the cylinder's content is under pressure at 1900 psi (per the gauge) at 70°F. As the day heats up because of the sun, the temperature increases to 105°F. What is the pressure at 105°F?

QUESTION 3 1. A process involves the removal of oil and other liquid contaminants from metal parts using a heat- treat oven, which has a volume of 15,000 ft. The oven is free of solvent vapors. The ventilation rate of the oven is 2,100 cfm, and the safety factor (K) is 3. The solvent used in the process evaporates at a rate of 0.6 cfm (cubic feet per minute). The operator would like to know how long it would take the concentration to reach 425 ppm.

(2) Multi-Unit, Multi-Reaction Process (50 pts) The diagram below shows a process to produce a product E from A and B. In addition to the information labeled on the diagram, it is known that the recycle stream to Reactor P (stream 6) has the molar ratio of A to B equal to 1:9. You are asked to find (1) the split ratio of the recycle to purge flow and (2) the overall fractional conversion of A. Follow the general protocol to: organize the information (label the diagram, write aux. equations, write goals) (10 pts) analyze the problem (clearly state a solution strategy based on DOF analysis without solving the entire process, use the DOF tables below if needed) (30 pts) solve for the goals (pick a basis or convert units if necessary, write relevant material balances and solve). Suggestion: do the algebra until you finish everything else (10 pts) a) b) c) nA.I B.1 P1: A + B → 2C P2: A + 2B → 3D Reactor P nĄ.6 nB.6 n ₁.2 ńc,2 np.² Q: 2C + D -> E Reactor Q ń ₁,3 Reactor R n D. 3 n. 3 = 18 lbmol/s R: D + E 4B Splitter nA, 5 = 4 lbmol/s np. 5 nE.S n₁.4 np.4 ńE, 4/nDOF IstrV IsysV Variables SF SC AUX AUX MBs DOF If I had solved (unit/system): the we would get a new DOF for: IstrV IsysV Variables SF SC Specified syst. vars. MBS NEW DOF >>> P Q (which unit/system) After solving the above unit/system, Spltr R has DOF = 0 and can be solved to determine After solving the above unit/system, Strategy to solve for the goals (you may not need all lines below): Process has updated DOF = 0 and can be solved to determine 1/0 (which variables) has updated DOF = 0 and can be solved to determine

PART A: Gas releases and flammability diagram 1. Draw the flammability diagram of carbon monoxide (CO): Your graph must clearly show the: The air line and the stoichiometric line; • The LFL, UFL, LOC, LFL in O₂ and UFL in O₂; The flammable region; Flammability Data for CO 12.5% LFL UFL LFL in O₂ UFL in O₂ LOC 74.0% 15.5% 94.0% 5.5% 100% Oxygen 90% 80% 0% 70% 60% %OT 50% 40% 20% 30% 20% 30% 10% 0% 40% 100% 50% 90% Nitrogen 80% 70% %09 €60% 50% 70% 40% Carbon Monoxide 30% %08 20% %06 10% /5 .0% 100% PART B: HAZOP Study on a Acrolein Tank 974, ACROTANK, Marseille, Fos sur mer, France A risk assessment is being performed by your Process Safety team on a tank containing liquid acrolein in a tank farm. Your team has done a pretty good job under the Process Knowledge Management Element of your PSM system and has prepared the technical document TANK974-TECHDOC (Version 1). ATEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY GATAR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Your team chose to use the HAZOP technique to identify the hazards and evaluate the risks of the identified scenarios. You can find the HAZOP document in Table 1 that was started by your team. This table is incomplete and needs your input. The scenarios identified by your team mainly involve the catastrophic rupture acrolein tank 974 which would lead to the entire inventory of acrolein to spill into the bund. This would form a pool of acrolein that would vaporize and form a vapor cloud. The plant is nearby a residential area. The emergency response team indicated that they need at least 1 hour to evacuate people in the residential area in case of release of acrolein. The following questions are designed for you to evaluate the consequences of such scenario, complete the HAZOP table and propose risk reduction measures if needed. The results of the HAZOP study will be conveyed to higher leadership who will make the necessary to ensure the safety of the operations following your recommendations. ACROTANK counts on you and your expertise. 1. Is the bund big enough to hold the spilled liquid in case of catastrophic rupture acrolein tank 974? Demonstrate your answer. /2 2. Leaking pipe in a pressurized process unit (Figure 1) Case A Process unit at 3 bara Gas at 10 bara se A: Will the gas release flow be choked? tify your answer Gas leak ill the gas flow be higher than case A? answer Case B Process unit at 1.5 bara Figure 1: Leaking pipe located into a pressurized process unit (choking pressure ratio is 0.5) Gas at 10 bara W Gas leak 12 AM od 10 bara Figure 1: Leaking pipe located into a pressurized process unit (choking pressure ratio is 0.5) Case A: Will the gas release flow be choked? Justify your answer an Case B: Will the gas flow be higher than case A? Custify your answer Gas at 10 bara Gas SPRING 2022-CHEN 455 Final Exam AM 2. How long will it take for the pool of acrolein to fully vaporize? Demonstrate your answer. Note: you can use a simple approach by ignoring the wind effect on the vaporization rate. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY at QATAR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING /6

Format of the submission: Avoid the use of lots of text and prefer graphical forms of communication that provide rich information in a minimum amount of space (do include some text as Turnitin needs at least 20 words). This applies to the presentation of background information, evidence of a trade-off, explanation of the trade-off, and suggestions. The marking scheme encourages infographics types of submission rather than text-heavy posters. If needs be, insert sound objects or videos to provide further information. This is preferable to typing a long paragraph. The submission should be as a poster and/or Powerpoint/Google Sheet presentation. You can use any software but make sure that your final submission is compatible with formats accepted by Moodle and Turnitin, and remember the requirements to have at 20 words for Turnitin./nInstructions: This coursework is individual. The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your attainment of learning outcome 1: Critically analyse global sustainability issues and national and international responses by taking a broad view of sustainability that incorporates security and inclusivity. For this assignment, you should identify one (or several) topic(s), related to engineering, that you believe is controversial from a sustainability perspective. Using the graphical approach used to draw causal chains in the social sustainability lecture, draw an illustration showing the trade-offs that are taking place. In this piece of coursework, you should provide at least one example of: • An economic-environmental trade-off (trade off type 5 in the figure below) • An economic-social trade-off (trade off type 4; including security and inclusivity) • An inter-generational trade-off (1, 2, or 3 in the figure below). Bey Sty T Sy S TOTO Tude P Eco (0) Eco Soc Env Soc (4) (10) Eco (13) →→Soc →→→→→Soc Env ifj Soc Env Eco Env Env Soc Eco Env Env 20 (8 (M) Env → Eco Eco 13) Eco Soc Em Eco Eco Env Soc (9) (12) Eco Soc Soc Em Soc T Em Eco Soc (Example)

(3) Chemical Equilibrium (30 pts) 1 mol/s of a species A is fed into a continuous gas phase reactor. The following two fast equilibrium reactions take place in the reactor, which operates at 298 K and a pressure P: A B + C + D Ka,R1 = 0.375 atm² A+B= E + C Ka, R2 = 3 The output of the reactor is assumed to be at equilibrium. The selectivity of the desired product D with respect to the undesired product E (SD/E) is 2:1. Organize (a) (b) Analyze (c) Solve R1: (d) (e) R2: Draw a process flow diagram and label all stream and system variables. (4 pts) Write down three auxiliary equations in terms of the variables you wrote down in your process flow diagram only. (6 pts) Perform DOF analysis using the table on the right (3 pts) Reactor IstrV " IsysV #Vars SF+SC Specified System vars. AUX MB DOF Write down all material balances, including the total material balance. (12 pts) Solve to determine the fractional selectivity for the formation of D from A (3 pts) (f) Determine the reactor pressure P (2 pts)