contrast to the measurement of blood glucose, the method is noninvasive and may be
conducted at a high frequency, e.g. every 5 min using a wearable device. Multiple studies
indicated that, for nondiabetic individuals, the value should not rise above 140 mg/dL for one or
two percent of the time every day.
File CGMdata.txt contains the recordings from 57 participants. Columns in the file are
DisplayTime (time stamp as recorded by the monitor), GlucoseValue (glucose concentration in
mg/dL), subjectld (participant id number), and InternalTime (internal time stamp).
The pattern below is from one of the participants with poor glucose regulation, showing a large
spike following each main meal. The program CGM1_HW.mlx is designed to help you identify
this participant by displaying all the CGM data as tiles. Places that need completion are marked
as XXX. Due 9/21, 3 points.
Fig: 1