
7. According to the passage, the Sumerians first began writing to — A. tell stories about their history B. send waming messages to travelers C. establish the laws of their government

D. keep track of things such as animals 8. According to the passage, a rock picture in New Mexico showed an upside down- A. pair of deer B. herd of cattle C. horse and rider D. mountain goat 9. The underlined pronoun "they" in the 5* paragraph refers to - A. proper names B. Chinese people C. new words D. thousands of signs 10. According to the passage, the main way of communication before writing was - A. drawings B. alphabets C. symbols D. pictures True OR False; Write (D) if the answer is true and (F) if the answer is false. 11. According to paragraph 2, people in ancient Egypt don't have any role in writing development. .__________ 12. According to paragraph 1, written documents are very important to governments to keep their laws. ____ 13. According to paragraph 4, the modern forms of writing started when people used letters and words to express their ideas .__________ 14. The closest in meaning to the underlined word (occurred) in paragraph 4 is (happened).__________