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Figure 1 shows an electrical circuit with a current source and four resistors. All the questions in this examination relate to this circuit. All the equations necessary for this exam

are given in the last page. The circuit has two essential nodes - one is a reference node as shown as ground in the figure and the other an unknown node with voltage, V1. Part 2 (f) Using the voltage divider concept, find the open circuit voltage, Voc, shown in figure 2. (10) (g) Using the current divider concept, find the short circuit current, Isc, in figure 3. Note Isc is also the current in the 52 resistance. (10) (h) Using the open circuit voltage, Voc, and the short circuit current, Isc, in parts (f) and (g), find the Norton equivalent current and resistance between the terminals A and B, as shown in figure 4. (8) (i) Use the Norton circuit in part (h) to find the optimum load resistance which when connected between terminals A and B will result in maximum power transferred to this load. (5) (i) Find the maximum power transferred to the load in part (i). (7)

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8

Fig: 9

Fig: 10

Fig: 11