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How do you think the information provided in the video/s may

connect or add to human health and wellness and/or societal

wellness?/nWhat are some of the areas of science directly mentioned and/or

referred to in the video?/n• What is an example of evidence used to support the information

provided in the video/s?

。 This can be a discussion of a study, statistic/s, area of

science, scientific theory, so forth./nWhat did you learn about the science of play that you did not know

before now? Provide specific examples from the video/s./n• What is your overall analysis and reflection of the video/s? Provide


Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Most Viewed Questions Of Development Biology

1. Describe - or draw - basic components of the nervous system. At minimum, include these six terms: axon, dendrite, myelin, neurotransmitter, cerebral cortex, hemispheres. 2. Consider a young person's motor skill development. It can be your own child, a child in your life, or yourself (if you have an older family member who remembers these). Talk about their motor skill milestones using terminology that the authors use, and refer to dynamic systems theory. 3. Talk about the development (or research study) of depth perception in infants in 4-5 sentences of detail. You can describe cues that infants use to figure out and perceive depth, or the kind of research studies done with depth perception. Your writing should include at least 2 terms from the Depth section of our textbook on pages 81-82. 4. Find a Theory of Mind (TOM) false-belief test video online (or try one out in person if you have a preschooler in your life!). Describe the test, the age of the participant, and the results. How does that compare with the textbook information?

Chapter 3 Reading Prep Work The purpose of this weekly work is to help you recall and articulate class concepts, and to build deep understanding, long-term memory, and personal connections with the concepts. Write 4-5 sentence responses to these questions, and bring your work to class (either printed out, or be able to pull your work up electronically). This work is due in D2L Brightspace the night before class each week. Grading: Written (5 points): Full responses that show in-depth understanding, rewording of the concepts into your own words, and strong connections of the content with your own experience. In-class (5-points): Attendance and full participation discussing the concepts and your responses with a small group of peers, as well as participating in class activities that day. 1. Describe - or draw - basic components of the nervous system. At minimum, include these six terms: axon, dendrite, myelin, neurotransmitter, cerebral cortex, hemispheres. 2. Consider a young person's motor skill development. It can be your own child, a child in your life, or yourself (if you have an older family member who remembers these). Talk about their motor skill milestones using terminology that the authors use, and refer to dynamic systems theory. 3. Talk about the development (or research study) of depth perception in infants in 4-5 sentences of detail. You can describe cues that infants use to figure out and perceive depth, or the kind of research studies done with depth perception. Your writing should include at least 2 terms from the Depth section of our textbook on pages 81-82. 4. Find a Theory of Mind (TOM) false-belief test video online (or try one out in person if you have a preschooler in your life!). Describe the test, the age of the participant, and the results. How does that compare with the textbook information?

10. Have you discovered ways of reinitiating lost play that works for you now in your life? Or, are there ways you can reinitiate lost play in your life. Explain.

9. What have been the barriers (time, commitments, societal, so forth) to play in your adult life that may have caused types of play to decrease or disappear from your life? Explain. If not, explain how you have kept play in our life.

What is an example of evidence used to support the information provided in the video/s? 。 This can be a discussion of a study, statistic/s, area of science, scientific theory, so forth.

DISCUSSION: In this discussion, reflect upon and discuss ONE of the following questions: Q1: What are the pros and cons of receiving prenatal screening tests? Why might some mothers decide not to have these tests? Q2: As medical technology continues to improve, a person may have the opportunity to "design" their own baby. Do you believe this is ethical? Why or why not? • STEP 1: First, BY 11:59 PM WEDNESDAY write a response with AT LEAST 10 substantial sentences, integrating concepts you learned from the reading and other materials (include links when necessary). Show that you can think critically on the topic by integrating your own thoughts, analysis, or experiences. STEP 2: Return to the discussion to comment on at least TWO classmates' posts (in at least FIVE sentences). Expand on a classmate's comments in a value-adding, topic-related way. Promote a collaborative, supportive community, and advance the dialogue through follow-up questions. Reply posts cannot be one-liners, off-topic posts, vague statements, unsupported opinions, inadequate explanations or simply saying, "I agree" or "good job." Also, remember to respond to all those who respond to you. Thanks. Dan Paxton

4. Play experiences are associated with our human innate, biological drives/needs, including some of the following: EXPLORATION: Play can be driven by a curiosity and desire to explore and learn about the world, including exploring new environments, trying out new activities, and discovering new information. PLEASURE AND ENJOYMENT: Play can be driven by a desire for pleasure and enjoyment, including engaging in activities that are fun, entertaining, and enjoyable. SOCIAL INTERACTION: Play can be a way to connect with others and build relationships, including engaging in activities with friends, family, and peers, using play to learn social skills and developing emotional intelligence. CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION: Play can be a way to express creativity and imagination, including engaging in activities like art, music, and imaginative play. MASTERY AND ACCOMPLISHMENT: Play can be a way to develop skills and achieve a sense of mastery and accomplishment., such as engaging in activities like sports, games, and other competitive activities. When looking back at your play experiences, how are they connected to these needs/drives? Explain and provide examples.

5. When looking back at your child play experiences, how did play influence your development when associated to your personal identity, social structures, and life roles? Explain.

How do you think the information provided in the video/s may connect or add to human health and wellness and/or societal wellness?/nWhat are some of the areas of science directly mentioned and/or referred to in the video?/n• What is an example of evidence used to support the information provided in the video/s? 。 This can be a discussion of a study, statistic/s, area of science, scientific theory, so forth./nWhat did you learn about the science of play that you did not know before now? Provide specific examples from the video/s./n• What is your overall analysis and reflection of the video/s? Provide examples.

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT (150 POINTS) This assignment will serve as the outline for your course research paper. A traditional annotated bibliography includes a summary and/or evaluation of research sources (scholarly articles, books, and other academic credible sources). This assignment follows the same concept as a traditional annotated bibliography, however, there is a specific structure to each annotation (see instructions below). Due: Word document of Annotated Bibliography (see schedule for due date) Cover Page • Paper (APA 7th ed format for references) ● Important Notes: Note: Paper must be TYPED MS WORD document ONLY AND ABLE TO BE READ ON PC in WORD. VERY IMPORTANT: NO Google Docs, PDF, PAGES, or any other format Unless otherwise specified. Posting in one of these formats will result in a deduction of points. ➤ Using any other source for one's work, including work from another person or Al technology (such as ChatGPT) is considered plagiarism. For the purpose of this assignment, Turnitin will be used./nINSTRUCTIONS 1. Select one of the following 15 research topics below on play for your research paper. Note: this topic will be the topic/thesis of your research paper. 1. The role of play on animal behaviors. 2. The neuroscience of the brain on play. 3. The drive/need for play in humans. 4. The role of play as a survival mechanism. 5. The history of play as a social, psychological, and/or physical human function. 6. The role of play in human development. 7. The role of nature and play behaviors. 8. The influence of play on childhood development. 9. The function of play as a mechanism for resilience and growth. 10. The role of play as it pertains directly to individuals living within a social structure. 11. The role of playfulness in adult play behaviors. 12. The influences of play on health and wellness/wellbeing. 13. The lack or deprivation of play. 14. The lack of play on adult's lives. 15. The role of play on a person's happiness. 1 2. Conduct library research and identify at least five (5) scholarly articles on the topic statement. The 5 articles must come from research based, scientific academic articles found in scholarly or peer-reviewed journals. • Articles must be based on some type of research, either a single study or analysis of a study. • Note: at Canvas Module, see "Writing and Research Resources" and you may contact the HHS Librarian, Mary Kate Finnegan at 3. On a Word document, complete the following for each of the five articles. Each annotation of an article MUST have all FOUR criteria below, and in EXACT order: i. Article Citation: Provide the article reference in APA 7th ed format. ii. Article Summary: Add 2-3 paragraphs of comprehensive summary article, including the purpose of the study, methods, results, and conclusions. If there is a theory or theoretical framework used in research articles, make sure to mention it in the summary. iii. Article Main Points: follow with a 1-2 paragraph overview of the main points of the article. Main points are found in the introduction and discussion sections. iv. Article Significance: conclude the annotation with a 1 paragraph evaluation of how the article contributes and/or connects to the topic of your research. Note: the writing for this assignment is written in the "third" person, therefore, you will not use first-or second-person language (e.g., "1" or "you").