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Organizational human resource planning and its effect on Organizational performance Effective HRM enables managers to make plans and hire skilled staff, at the same time it helps employees find meaningful work with avenues for career development. The key objective of HRM is to increase employee performance and improve organizational performance through investment in HR Management. This is assignment topic that should not be less than 1800 words following the same guidelines which I have given you. Plagiarism must be less than 20%. Follow APA style references should not be less than 15.

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Most Viewed Questions Of Human Resource Management

Think about your most recent recruitment / interviewing experience for a job (or an experience that was particularly notable). Using themes from this week's material, describe your candidate experience from start to finish, citing particular "high points" and "low points." Who do you remember from the process and why? Do you feel this was an effective process to recruit and evaluate you against the relevant KSAOS for the job? Why or why not? What could have been done differently to create a better experience for you (or others) (regardless of whether you took the job or not)? Reading material Mastering Human Resource Management (Paperback + eBook) Paperback - February 26, 2021 by Derek Crews (Author) Word Limit 200 Words L

Task 2 of 3 - HR Plan and Memo (AC 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3) Instructions: You have been successful in securing the contract, and you have a lot to do. The management priority is to have a HR plan and policy in place as soon as possible. You have decided to create the outline for a HR plan, and include a memo about HR policy. You therefore need to prepare: • An outline of a Human Resource plan. • A memo concerning the importance of HR policy - the memo should provide examples of regulatory, legal and ethical concerns that should be covered within the policy ie living wage vs minimum wage, maternity cover, Equality Act 2010, termination of employment etc.) which would be important to the ClubHouse.

• Examine the impact of different organisational strategy and structure. management and leadership theories on • Describe the impact of organisational strategies, structures and culture on the management of HR. • Determine the effectiveness of the current ClubHouse HRM, and critically discuss the link between leadership & management and HRM. • Present an analysis of how the existing culture and structure of the ClubHouse might impact on the success of the ClubHouse project and the motivation of the staff. • Explain how you would develop, monitor and evaluate a leadership strategy that supports the development or revision of the ClubHouse organisational mission, vision, values and objectives.

• Examine the impact of different organisational strategy and structure. management and leadership theories on • Describe the impact of organisational strategies, structures and culture on the management of HR. • Determine the effectiveness of the current ClubHouse HRM, and critically discuss the link between leadership & management and HRM. • Present an analysis of how the existing culture and structure of the ClubHouse might impact on the success of the ClubHouse project and the motivation of the staff. • Explain how you would develop, monitor and evaluate a leadership strategy that supports the development or revision of the ClubHouse organisational mission, vision, values and objectives.

Task 2 of 3 - HR Plan and Memo (AC 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3) Instructions: You have been successful in securing the contract, and you have a lot to do. The management priority is to have a HR plan and policy in place as soon as possible. You have decided to create the outline for a HR plan, and include a memo about HR policy. You therefore need to prepare: • An outline of a Human Resource plan. • A memo concerning the importance of HR policy - the memo should provide examples of regulatory, legal and ethical concerns that should be covered within the policy ie living wage vs minimum wage, maternity cover, Equality Act 2010, termination of employment etc.) which would be important to the ClubHouse.

Question 2. a- Four performance management issues that affect succession planning practices. b - The company should consider two factors as part of its strategy when adopting diversity management.

Assessment 1 Presentation structure and delivery In groups of 4/5, students will produce and record a 20 to 30-minute presentation recorded via PowerPoint. One member of the group will submit the PowerPoint and upload the recording on Blackboard within the Accounting, Employability and Commercial Awareness module.

ASSIGNMENT DETAILS 1. Individual Assignment - Case study analysis 1.1. Introduction • This assignment is worth 20%. • You are required to work individually. Analyse given case study and prepare a report on following parts; Read the case and summarize critically. Identify issues specified in the case • . Link theory to practice Recommendations 1.2. Specific requirements: • You are required to present your findings in the form of a report, with appropriate headings and subheadings. Suggested format of the report is given below. • The report should be 2500 words (+/- 10%) excluding appendices. • Report must be typed in using the font "Times New Roman' 12pt (14pt for headings) and 1.5 line spacing, with no indent at the start of the paragraphs. The paragraphs alignment should be justified.

3. Hassan works at Mohammed's furniture store as a carpenter since ten months. He wants to use his annual eave. Mohammed says Hassan that he cannot leave prior to the completion of his first year of service, and that he will be entitled to an annual leave of 20 days according to his employment contract. When and for how many days of leave is Hassan entitled to? Why?

You are a college senior who has been selected to participate in a hybrid internship/onboarding program with an elite HR research and advisory firm. Your training consists of a combination of formal education-specifically, enrollment in this Human Resource Management course and a rotation in support of the principals of the firm. In your rotations, you will synthesize what you've learned in the relevant modules to address firm or client issues, conducting additional research as necessary and developing draft deliverables as instructed by the principal consultant. The quality of your deliverables that is, your ability to convert learning into practical insight-will largely determine whether, at the end of the internship period, you are offered a position with the firm or simply thanked for your participation. Scenario A quote from the Boston Consulting Group's People & Organization website page summarizes Modules 1 and 2: "Human resources has long been evolving beyond its traditional and outdated-role as a mere processor of administrative transactions. Today, HR is usually viewed as a strategic partner to the business. The intensity of competition and the pace of change demand that the HR function fulfill this mandate. HR leaders need a clear view of their current capabilities, a set of clear priorities linked to the business strategy, and a targeted approach to improve the most urgent problem areas."[1] Your Task In your first rotation, you will be reporting to the Strategic Planning principal consultant. She is developing an interactive game for client HR teams to play to develop their adaptability; specifically, to be able to envision and implement the changes required in the HR organization in order to capitalize on emerging trends and technologies. Your assignment is to reframe one of the following trends (discussed in Human Resources Today) as a business opportunity: Changes in Workforce Composition Increasing Workforce Diversity Increased Employee Expectations of Employers Changes in Societal Expectations Infrastructural Obsolescence Changes in the Nature of Work Market and Industry 4.0 Changes in the Evaluation and Valuation of Talent "A Reskilling Imperative" Increasing Geopolitical Risks/nChanges in Workforce Composition Increasing Workforce Diversity Increased Employee Expectations of Employers Changes in Societal Expectations Infrastructural Obsolescence Changes in the Nature of Work Market and Industry 4.0 Changes in the Evaluation and Valuation of Talent "A Reskilling Imperative" Increasing Geopolitical Risks For example, "changes in workforce composition" is a trend that represents both a challenge and an opportunity. How might an organization use that to their advantage? How would you express that as a Human Resource strategy? What policies and procedures would need to be in place to support that strategy and leverage a flexible workforce? How would you avoid the typical disconnect between planning and implementation? Be specific; your recommendations must be actionable. To take it from mets expectations to exceeds expectations, cite (summarize and link to) an example of a "best practice" organization. As a perspective point, she suggests you keep the following quote from the text in mind: "The essence of management and strategy is making sense of reality: human, organizational and situational. And, more critically, to be able to act on that insight. Use MLA referencing style in 100 words