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Problem 2. Consider the air over a city to be represented by a box 100 km on two sides that reaches upto an altitude of 1.0 km. Clean air is

blowing into the box along one of its sides with a speed of 4 m/s(and thus air is blowing out of the 'box' on the opposite side as well). Suppose an air pollutant with a degradation reaction rate k = 0.2 hr-1 is emitted into the box at a total rate of 10.0 kg/s. Find the steady-state concentration if the air is assumed to be completely mixed. If the windspeed suddenly drops to 1m/s, estimate the concentration of the pollutant two hours later. Additionally, using MS EXCEL, Plot the concentration for every 15 minute increment of time over 8 hours. Make your excel plot look neat (axis labeled, units shown, data points clear, etc), and show clearly the table of your calculations used to make the plot.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2