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Summer 2023 ARC 5513 BASIC STRUCTURES Lawrence Technological University College of Architecture and Design 2: Structural System Configuration + Load Calculation System Type: Roof Truss and Post and Beam Frames You are to collaborate in teams to exchange information and methodology, but each person is to complete their own task. Use SAP2000 software to determine forces magnitude and type (T or C) Submission Documentation: Digital only-provide in 11 x 17 landscape format. Provide a pdf copy Suggested work schedule Max of 2 weeks for part 1 (work completed) 07/20/22 part 2 (work completed and submitted Educational Objectives: A. To be able to identify structural systems that provide solutions to spatial, and functional planning, and load/span criteria. B. To develop useful skills in the representation of structural system concepts, and preliminary design. C. To develop the ability to identify and employ strategies of structural system planning, design and configuration of member types, sizing proportions, 1.10'| 80' 110 + Patio pavers 16 bay sizes, and concepts of frame stability, static 48 1 16' on grade evaluations. 1. Structural Planning and Configuration/ System. Problem Statement: A community beach/park center is proposed by a local park district. The park district wants an innovative and showcase structure, they do not want cranes or heavy equipment on the site due to the landscape. The structural system to be considered is a one-way truss system for the roof and wood beams /joists for the floor within a post and beam frame. See images Rest rooms Shower area 12' 64 Main open area (column free space) Elevated wood decking front area to be part of framming system of the floor. Footprint (plan view) 18' min top of roof provided for inspiration only you may vary from the standard types shown. Merit is recognized for solutions with innovation, efficiency, competent structural system planning and correct calculations. The structural material is exterior grade timber/wood material and steel cables or rods that could be used for tension elements. The main pavilion is open below the roof to open it to the outdoors. The roof may Min envelope roof may overhang area shown and be sloped as needed. 8' to ceiling restrooms 24" to finished floor Grade level 0.0 Outline (section view) Concrete footing posts palced as needed have overhangs beyond support columns. The roof may have a skylight in sections or be open to the sky in sections. The floor is a small crawl space with wood flooring. Standard 'dimension lumber' members is limited to a max. length of 20' in length. Glu-laminated timber or wood floor trusses can span longer dimensions. Member Sizing Parameters: Member Sizing Parameters: Bay/truss spacing Spacing = (S) -span S/4 - S/6 Span /depth ratios L/ (#) = member depth trusses are approximately L/10- L/13. Span ranges 24'-200 Wood Beams L/18-L/24 Span range 8-20' Glu-lam beams span range 24'-200 wood decking L/26-L/30 span range 2-4' plywood spans 1'-4' Width/height ratio H/ (#) = col. width Wood Columns H/24- H/26 See the drawing for conditions and parameters. The existing grade is flat. Member and bay repetition is encouraged for economy. The covering for the roof would be a lightweight roofing with plywood (4' x 8' sheets) or wood decking. Secondary elements' joists or purlins rest on primary beams (floor) or trusses (roof). Wood shakes or standing seam metal roofing. The module for structural planning purposes is 4'. The section profile is the minimum interior enclosure, and the exterior shape may vary at the discretion of the student. The design should be a form efficient solution by taking advantage of overhangs and based on the reduction of bending (moment) forces from vertical loads, assume roof loads are uniform. In the main area the Lakefront Kiosk / Ultramoderne Chicago, Competition winner 2015 Webb Chapel Park Pavilion / Cooper Joseph Studio 2012 Texas. Covington Farmers Market / design/build LAB, 2011 Lions Park Scouts / Auburn University Rural Studio, 2014 Jamberoo Farm House / Casey Brown Architecture, 2012 trusses should be shaped and loaded efficiently. Natural light with skylights of clerestory windows is to be part of the system for the upper roof region. The views are to the north and north wall is to be open with glass. The South walls may be largely solid. Both lateral and gravity loads need to be addressed. Use text 250 words maximum to explain your solution. Grading Rubrics: Truss Creativity / Efficiency 20% Beam Calculations 7.5% Graphics (plans, sections, 3Ds, etc.) 30% Truss Calculations 30% Columns Calculations 7.5% Foundations 5% Each student must design to the following conditions Wood post and beam frame system with trusses for the roof and (solid floor beams/joists and solid columns for the floor) "optional". Part 1 Complete the following A. Stability Study- a schematic line drawing section with labeling members, connections, and primary gravity and lateral force components in the short axis section. In long axis, use the truss or frame methods of stability studies. FLOOR BEAMS Statically "Optinal" determinate ROOF TRUSSES m + R <or>or = 2j DIAGONAL Regular Studio KINGPOST DOUBLE Folk SLOWER CHOND al WARREN tel KING POST VERTICAL Scissors 1/ N Polynesian QUEENPOST DOUBLE HOWE tel ENGLISH før HOWE) 4) HOWE Cambered 11 For fel PRATT Inverted [1] PRATT Dual Pitch Flat INTBOWSTRING FIGURE 5.46 Common typer of coof inases. HowE Scissom Monopitch Bowstring Gambrel MONORTON DUAL PITCH INVERTED Cathedral Anic MODIFIED QUEENPOST CAMBERED GAMBREL PIGGYBACK Truss system types Images of systems B. A short and long structural member section the frame elements bracing and cladding. Suggested scale 1/20' or 1/8". C. Framing Plans Drawings of the roof plan and main level: plan. Draw members to estimated size, shape and profile. Show all members -primary and secondary. In the roof plan, show a cut away section indicating secondary member purlins and roof deck, and sub - flooring, suggested scale 1/20" or 1/8". (Show main floor framing and peel away detail showing the primary/secondary and sub-floor members) "optional". Include exterior deck in the framing plan. D. Trusses must be used in roof for primary members, wood beams or trusses for secondary horizontal members. Post frames would be made of wood columns. Drawings must label all key dimensions, spacing of members, column center lines, and notes on approx. member sizes. Primary Beams or truss framing. Detail of Wood column to foundation. Preferred detail of wood columns is to use double beams that allow columns to provide stiffness in the frame by continuity and create cts. Vertical elements. Split beams allow for smaller beams at outer bays where tributary areas are less. The outer beam carries the weight of the outer wall. A-ow the roof members to straddle the column as the floor beams do at the roof level.

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Q1. Calculate capillary rise/fall in a glass tube 2 mm diameter when immersed in (a) water (b) mercury.Both the liquids are at 20°C and the surface tension values at this temperature for water and mercury are 0.072 N/m and 0.052 N/m respectively. The specific gravity of mercury is 13.6. The contact angle of water and mercury are 0° and 130° respectively.

1. A pump-around reflux is an internal reflux for a distillation column where the liquid is withdrawn from a lower tray, cooled in a heat exchanger resulting in heat recovery and then sent back to an upper tray thus reducing the amount of top reflux. In a given distillation tower, the pump-around reflux is withdrawn from the 20th tray and sent to a pump on the ground which is located 20 m below the 20th tray. The pump discharge is cooled in a heat exchanger, and then returned to the 16th tray at the tray level through a control valve. The pump discharge line (including equivalent length of all fittings, bends,etc.) is 50 m long. For a nominal flowrate of 120 m²/h, pressure drop in the cooler is 20 kPa. Assume turbulent flow conditions. Neglect suction line frictional pressure drop. Following information is available:Tray spacing: 0.5 m, Pressure drop per tray: 1 kPa, Discharge pipe diameter = 0.3 m and f (friction factor) = 0.04, Density of Liquid (assume that it is constant) = 800 kg/m³, Tower top pressure: 300 kPa, Pump curve for the pump-around reflux pump is given by: APрump(kPa)=300 – 5v^2 where v is flowrate in m³/min a. For a 50% scale up in the pump-around reflux flow, what would be the minimum discharge pressure of the pump (i.e., under the condition when the pressure drop inа.the control valve is zero)? b. What is the pressure drop in the control valve for the 50% scale up case?

.The shaft shown in the figure is machined from AISI 1040 CD steel. The shaft rotates at 1600rpm and is supported in rolling bearings at A and B. The applied forces are F1 = 2500 Ibf andF2 = 1000 lbf. Determine the minimum fatigue factor of safety based on achieving infinite life.If infinite life is not predicted, estimate the number of cycles to failure. Also check for yielding.

The cylindrical tank with hemispherical ends shown in Fig. P2.46 contains a volatile liquid and its vapor. The liquid density is 800 kg/m3,and its vapor density is negligible. The pressure in the vapor is 120 kPa (abs) and the atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa (abs).Determine: (a) the gage pressure reading on the pressure gage, and (b) the height, h, of the mercury, manometer.

Two cables are tied together at C and are loaded as shown. Knowing that P = 500 N and a =determine the tension in (a) in cable AC, (b) in cable BC.60°, N= T_{A}= 3) The tension in the cable BC is \mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{B}}=

1. Classify each of the structures as statically determinate, statically indeterminate, stable, or unstable. If indeterminate, specify the degree of indeterminacy. (22 pts.)

12-113. The position of a particle is defined by r ={4(t – sin t)i + (2t^2 – 3)j} m, where t is in seconds and the argument for the sine is in radians. Determine the speed of the particle and its normal and tangential components of acceleration when t=1 s.

A 100 ft steel tape standardized at 68 °F and supported throughout under a tension of 10 Ibs was found to be 100.2 ft long. The tape had a cross sectional area of 0.009 in? and a weight of 0.03 Ib/ft. The tape is used to measure a horizontal distance (AB) and the measured length comes out to be 300 ft. CALTRANS plans a new ramp to connect Nutwood with US57. The ramp starts from point A (on Nutwood) to C (on US57) wherein point C will be vertically above point B (a current point on Nutwood that will get buried by ramp). The must have a smooth 4% grade, thus the tape will be used fully supported. Determine the correct slope distance to be measured (i.e. length AC) if a pull of 15 Ibs is used and the temperature is 96 °F.

Problem 2: In a boat race, boat A is leading boat B by 50 m and both boats are traveling at a constant speed of 180 km/h. At t = 0, the boats accelerate at constant rates.Knowing that when B passes A, t = 8 s and va = 225 km/h,determine (a) the acceleration of A, (b) the acceleration of В.

1-90 A hydraulic lift is to be used to lift a 1900-kg weight by putting a weight of 25 kg on a piston with a diameter of 10 cm.Determine the diameter of the piston on which the weight is to be placed.