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This exercise aims to enhance your understanding of the basic principles of artificial lighting design and to show how

lighting can enhance the overall aesthetic and functional quality of a building.


This is an individual exercise, and you are to produce an A3-sized poster to depict your understanding of the

application of artificial lighting and natural lighting in a real building. You should investigate one of museums or

art galleries (or a gallery of your choice) through the onsite visiting and/or virtual tour (please find several links

with cases in the next page) and consider how spaces within the museum/gallery are lit, why they are lit in that

way, what the lighting is trying to achieve and whether the lighting is successful.

Your poster should at least cover the following topics (but can include more):

O The building being studied;

O The requirements of lighting in the building;

O Description of the types of artificial lighting used in one of the main rooms/areas in the building;

O Justification for use of the type of artificial lighting;

O Examples of effects produced: artificial lighting on its own (night-time), as well as strategies when

daylight levels are low (combination with daylight). You should also comment and critique these effects.

You should use terms and criteria covered in the lectures in your analysis of the lighting scheme.



Assignment: Artificial Lighting in Museums and Art Galleries

The poster should be logically laid-out, with diagrams and annotations clearly shown. Marks will be awarded for both

content and presentation of the poster.



Submit an electronic version (ppt or pdf format) of your poster in CANVAS by

Make sure your name and student ID number are on your poster.

Files must NOT be larger than 50 MB.

Name the files according to the following format:

o Surname_FirstName.pdf

The exercise will be formally assessed by the module staff and will count 30% towards your final mark for

this module. NB: Although electronic versions are being submitted, please note that you should be designing the font sizes and

resolution of diagrams to be clearly readable on the A3-size hard copy poster.



Assignment: Artificial Lighting in Museums and Art Galleries

Work that is submitted late or that is excessively plagiarised will be penalised according to University Policies.

Check CANVAS and your e-mail regularly in case of changes.

Cases of museum virtual tours:

1. Museum of Liverpool

2. The British Museum

home/?gclid=EAlalQobChMInPLT8beZ7g|VGJftCh0vHgooEAAYASAAEgJjAfD BwE

3. The National Gallery


4. The Louvre

5. Vatican Museums

6. The Natural History Museum

7. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Marking Criteria for Lighting Posters (ARCH311)

Mark Range

Content of Poster


60% to 70%

50% to 60%

40% to 50%



Assignment: Artificial Lighting in Museums and Art Galleries

▪ Artificial lighting used in the chosen building described to a very high level,

both in terms of detail and in accuracy.

Technical terms used with no apparent errors.

▪ Very high level of justification of the lighting scheme provided and


▪ Artificial lighting used in the chosen building described to a high level, both

in terms of detail and in accuracy.

■ Technical terms used with no major errors.

▪ High level of justification of the lighting scheme provided and critiqued.

▪ Artificial lighting used in the chosen building described to an adequate


■ Technical terms used with some errors.

▪ Adequate level of justification of the lighting scheme provided and


▪ Attempts made at specifying the artificial lighting used in the chosen


▪ Very limited attempt at addressing technical terms.

▪ Very basic justification of the lighting scheme provided.

No evidence of artificial light / general lighting scheme covered to an

adequate level.

Little / no attempt at addressing technical terms.

Presentation of Poster

Poster excellently / creatively presented, very

detailed and very clear.

Poster well-presented with some creativity

evident, detailed and relatively clear to read

Poster adequately presented, could be more

creative, unclear in some parts.

Poster legible but not creatively laid-out, unclear

in many parts

Poster poorly / inadequately presented