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Mercy University OTA Program Assignment #2: Health Promotion/Wellness Presentation Project Assignment Due Date: May 9th 2024 - Due by 4:00pm Points: 10 points Grading Rubric: Available on Blackboard Project Description: Develop and present a wellness/health promotion activity to the class. You will be paired with your partner of two and assigned a specific wellness/health promotion activity. Your task involves researching the activity, learning to perform it yourselves, and subsequently teaching it to the class. Objectives: 1. Understand and describe OT's role in delivering health promotion and wellness interventions for groups and individuals. 2. Use research skills to learn about the assigned health promotion/wellness activity. 3. Create a written plan to teach the activity to others. (A handout with resources for all students) 4. Teach the activity to others. Assignment Requirements: 1. Written Plan: Format: Single-spaced, outline format. Length: Limit to two pages (excluding reference and/or cover pages). Contents: a. Name of Activity b. Client Populations: Identify suitable client populations for the activity. c. Benefits of Activity: Present evidence-based benefits for health, well-being, and occupational performance. contexts. d. Required Materials, Supplies, Equipment e. Environmental Factors and Setup f. Teaching Methods: Outline how you will teach the activity. g. Activity Steps: Detail what clients need to do. h. Skill Transfer: Explain how clients can integrate the activity into their daily routines and specific i. OT Practitioner Best Practices: Guidelines for teaching the activity. j. References: List in APA 7th edition format. 2. Oral Presentation: Use PowerPoint (5 slides, 5 minutes maximum) to present the information. Teach the class how to perform the activity (8 minutes maximum). Class participation: The class will perform the activity as instructed. Provide a Reference and Resource List for classmates. 3. Recording Requirement: You are required to record a video of yourself presenting your presentation. This recording should be done in a Zoom session with your lab partner. Draft Presentation: The recorded presentation will be considered a draft version. Feedback Process: After your draft presentation, your lab partner must complete and provide you with a feedback form based on your performance and must be sent to Professor Fernandes. Additional Instructions: Technology Restrictions: Do not use Apps to directly teach the activity. However, Apps may be included in your reference list as resources. • Feedback: Students will complete a survey after each presentation.

Most Viewed Questions Of Health Assessment And Wellness And Community Health

Assignment details Each student needs to find submit annotations for 2 journal articles. This is information that YOU write as a summary AND CRITIQUE of the article. To read the articles, focus on the results and discussion sections for information from the article as well as "mining" the introduction for other sources to review/read. *Hint: These sources need to be JOURNAL ARTICLES (NOT magazines, newspapers, or other popular press sources, nor websites like .com, .gov, .org, or ANYTHING). If you can not state the author's name and/or the date the information was written, it is NOT a good source for this paper. This assignment occurs twice and will be graded on source, summary, and critique quality, writing clarity, and APA formatting/style for the first submission. find academic journal articles that are literature review or empirical studies (quantitative or qualitative) that are likely to be relevant to your behavioral change for the project. SUBMIT - APA formatted title page, annotations (from the articles, with 1 directly quoted and one paraphrased concept per source), and a references list. The topic of this is Cardiovascular disease.

1. Reflect on the talk on epilepsy, what new thoughts and information did you gain? Do you have any additional questions?4 pt 2. Reflect on our class discussion about physical disabilities and health impairments. What new information did you learn and what new questions do you have? 4 Pt. 3. Although you are not medically trained, would you feel comfortable and competent to have a child with some of the physical conditions that we talked about in your class if you were given a couple of workshops on the topics by specialists? 4 Pts. 4. Situation: You are a teacher of a general education class and your administration has just informed you that you will be receiving a new student who has one of the physical conditions that we discussed in class tonight. How would you prepare your students for the new student, so that they would accept, understand and associate with the student with a physical condition prior to his/her entrance into your class? 6Pt. 5. Tell me how you felt going through the simulations after the midterm and what did you discover? 4 Points

1. Reflect on the talk on epilepsy, what new thoughts and information did you gain? Do you have any additional questions?4 pt 2. Reflect on our class discussion about physical disabilities and health impairments. What new information did you learn and what new questions do you have? 4 Pt. 3. Although you are not medically trained, would you feel comfortable and competent to have a child with some of the physical conditions that we talked about in your class if you were given a couple of workshops on the topics by specialists? 4 Pts. 4. Situation: You are a teacher of a general education class and your administration has just informed you that you will be receiving a new student who has one of the physical conditions that we discussed in class tonight. How would you prepare your students for the new student, so that they would accept, understand and associate with the student with a physical condition prior to his/her entrance into your class? 6Pt.

Submit to Canvas in assignments. Journal entries are 1-2 pages each and should address all of the following: • Progress made toward your weekly goals. Use your measurable criteria in your goal statement to evaluate your progress. • Effectiveness of strategies, and any strategy changes. • How you applied concepts of Health Behavior Model or Health Promotion Model-refer to Health Promotion lecture/readings. • Barriers and or facilitators to your change • Do not just describe your activities; reflect on goal achievement, strategy continuation, and or changes. • APA format is not necessary for journals. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax are required. Proofread your work.

1. In the video it was stated that it costs more to provide care for obese individuals. Some organizations require obese employees to pay higher premiums. What are your thoughts on this practice? 2. In the video it was stated that we are living in a "damage control mode, waiting for people to get sick". How can we move to a preventative approach to this health care issue?

How have nicotine delivery methods changed over time? What delivery method poses a public health risk to the youth of today? Suggest a public health intervention that could be applied to today's tobacco related public health threats?

How has the problem of smoking changed over time and why is smoking still a public health concern during contemporary times? What negative health effects have been associated with smoking? Your answer should be approximately 250 words in length.

Since the 1960's, a number of public health actions have been taken to work towards decreasing the prevalence of cigarette smoking. What are some of these actions and which do you think played the biggest role in the smoking decreases we have seen over the past 60+ years?

A. Theory + Toxin + Population What is your toxin. How does it impact human health What population does it specifically impact What population is able to control or limit exposure of the toxin to the vulnerable population What are the ways your theory has been used effectively to change health behavior in past

Cigarette consumption increased dramatically in the first half of the 20th century. What events contributed to this increase? How did smoking come to be linked to lung cancer? Once smoking was linked to lung cancer, why was smoking considered a public health problem?