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N12 Technologies: Building an Organization and

Building a Business

First things first:

1. Read both the N12 doc and the HB doc on structuring. You will need to re-read

both docs. You will reference both docs several times for this assignment. It's

normal and means you are using real information to make decisions and references.


2. Develop a sketch of N12's structures...there is 3. Very Beginning, mid point, and

where they are today (case wise). Using the tips and strategies from the HB note on

structuring, are they well structured? Remember the CEO goals: Maximize share

holder value as efficiently and effectively as possible. Think about accountability

how could you drop an MBO program in here to help align them -MBO evals are

not out of date -people just got lazy. We can layer a 360 eval program right on top of

an MBO program and really pour gas on employee productivity..

3. Develop an exhaustive list of all the problems occurring simultaneously. Including

the 3rd dimensional ones-shifting from pay as you go to build it they will come for

example. What are the implications of these problems? -It may make sense to table

or matrix this information as in the real world I would ask you to present it with an

integrated solution set, cost analysis, and time line.

4. Finally, present your recommendations. There should be at least 5 major

recommendations for this case that includes a well thought out employee

restructuring that employs a matrix or hybrid matrix structure.