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Problem 5 [10 points] A signal z(t), bandlimited to 10 Hz, is sampled at 12 samples/s. what

portion of its spectrum can still be recovered from its samples? Please draw a sketch (with an

arbitrary signal shape of bandwidth 10Hz) that illustrates your findings.

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1. Consider negative feedback applied to a current amplifier. Which of the following statements are true, and which are false? Indicate your answers by marking a "T" or "F" by each statement. a. The appropriate feedback topology for this case is shunt-series. b. With feedback applied to the circuit, the input resistance is increased. c. With feedback applied to the circuit, the current gain and any associated fluctuations are desensitized. d. With feedback, the circuit has a larger output resistance. e. Feedback has a negligible effect on the amplifier's bandwidth.

Problem 5 [10 points] A signal z(t), bandlimited to 10 Hz, is sampled at 12 samples/s. what portion of its spectrum can still be recovered from its samples? Please draw a sketch (with an arbitrary signal shape of bandwidth 10Hz) that illustrates your findings.

(а)Determine the DC conditions of the amplifier (b) Draw the AC model of the amplifier (c)Determine the midband voltage gain A, (you can use Sim) (d) Determine the low frequency poles of the amplifier (You can calculate the low frequency poles, or find the pole due to Cl by making Cs and C2 equal to 1F, etc for each pole and each capacitor). If you simulate to find the low frequency poles, please include the resulting frequency responses. 3. The enhancement NMOSFET used in the amplifier shown has the following specifications: K=0.16 mA/V² , V7=2 V, and V,= 300 V. You can show Simulations results for each part – just make sure you highlight the results as a text in your simulations.

A schematic of a feedback amplifier is shown. The transistor has a ßr= 100 with a very large Early voltage. The collector current Ic = 0.913 mA and Im= 0.423 mA .1. What is he feedback configuration (e.g. shunt-shunt?)а. b. Draw a schematic of the AC model of the loaded forward amplifier. c. Determine the loaded forward amplifier gain of the amplifier using feedback theory(Sim ok). The loaded forward amplifier gain can be left in terms of trans resistance(RM), Current Gain (AIM), Voltage gain (AvM), or transconductance (GM). d. Draw the feedback f-circuit diagram e. What is the f-factor (Sim ok)? f. Using parts (c) and (e), calculate the overall gain with feedback (RMf , AIF, Av£ or GMF)using the loaded forward amplifier gain and the f-factor? Show your calculation. You can confirm your calculation with MultiSim.