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Suppose the transmission axes of the left and right polarizing disks are perpendicular to each other. Also, let the center disk be rotated on the common axis with and angular

speed w, this means 0 = wt. a) Show that if unpolarized light is incident on the left disk with an intensity of Imax, the intensity of the beam emerging from the right disk is: I=\frac{1}{16} I_{\max }(1-\operatorname{Cos}(4 \omega t)) You will find the following trigonometric identities helpful: \operatorname{Cos}^{2}(\theta)=\frac{1}{2}(1+\operatorname{Cos}(2 \theta)) \quad \operatorname{Sin}^{2}(\theta)=\frac{1}{2}(1-\operatorname{Cos}(2 \theta)) \quad \operatorname{Cos}^{2}\left(90^{\circ}-\theta\right)=\operatorname{Sin}^{2}(\theta) ) Sketch a plot of the emerging intensity as a function of time using w = 0.5 Fad, and Imax = 16m2. Compare the frequency the disk rotates and the frequency of oscillation of you intensity plot. Explain how/ why one is 4x the other.

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