
Task 1: Three-phase half-wave diode rectifier with R load Recall Chapter 1, Make a new project. Build a three-phase half-wave diode rectifier with R load. Use the sinusoidal source in the

SOURCE lib set amplitude 110V and frequency 60Hz. Use the diode and load parts in the PSpice Component set resistor 5.2. Use the time domain simulation set up, set run to time as 50ms and maximum step size as le¹³. a. Show your analysis tab of simulation settings. b. Plot the load current. c. If we want to simulate an open circuit error happening at source phase a (0 deg shift) for this rectifier, 1) Show your modified schematic for this new simulation. 2) Plot the load current again. 3) Compare your answer for part c.2) with part b, briefly explain your plots.

Fig: 1