
Summer.2023 me labus nouncements dules signments ades scussions om Pro 1.3 40 Use the following module interface (which you can find in the provided file): module NextPCLogic(NextPC, CurrentPC, SignExtImm64, Branch, ALUZero,

Uncondbranch); input [63:0] CurrentPC, SignExtImm64; input Branch, ALUZero, Uncondbranch; output [63:0] NextPC; reg [63:0] tmp; /* write your code here */ endmodule Branch (CBZ) is true if the current instruction is a conditional branch instruction, Uncondbranch is true if the current instruction is an Unconditional Branch (B), and ALUZero is the Zero output of the ALU. A template and testbench are provided (If you work on Vivado, comment out the include command at the very top). Complete the next pc logic; add a few test cases to the testbench to improve it. Demonstrate your program to the TA. Attach a zip/tar file containing your completed module, testbench and a screenshot of the waveform. NextPClogic.v↓↓ NextPClogicTest.v Upload Choose a File/ny mer.2023 IS ncements es ments S Electrical and Co... sions Pro 1.3 40 Home | Howdy Question 2 Outlook PC Add WebAssign-LOG... C Get Homework He... Write a behavior model to calculate the next PC for an instruction. It will use information from the processor control module and the ALU to determine the destination for the next PC. It will contain two adders for calculating the two possible NextPC and choose between the two possibilities using the logic depicted below. memory Regi:00 studion Dif [Parucion H - Uncondbranch Branch ""!! data Reg Netflix ▸YouTube M Gmail. Shift left 2 Add ALU result 20 pts Zero 2 Maps

Fig: 1

Fig: 2