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You're learning about the other power players in Texas politics and government in Weeks 4 and 5.

Outside the formal elective and appointed offices in Texas, there are powers invested in people.

This is the promise of representative democracy and the many freedoms protected by the 1st

Amendment to the US Constitution and Article 1 of the Texas Constitution. For this Conversation, I

want you to role-play from the perspective of one of the following: campaign director interest group

lobbyist civil right activist political party membership coordinator Get Out the Vote youth organizer

Further, you must choose an issue to organize around, one that you and those you represent feel

strongly about. What is it, and why did you pick it? From the role you are playing, what is the best

strategy to get your issue resolved? What part of Texas government needs to be involved and why?

Will you succeed, given what you know about Texas politics?