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You will be writing a paper that identifies, summarizes, and applies a published code of

ethics for your profession. The paper will include 2-3 pages of content, a title page and

reference page, for a paper that is 4- to 5-pages in total length.

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Corporate Communication

What's my role in.... (Pick one topic from the options listed below) • Topic Option #1: Problem solving in the workplace • Topic Option # 2: Showing empathy in the workplace • Topic Option #3: Conflict resolution in the workplace • Topic Option #4: Emotional intelligence in the workplace • Topic Option #5: Critical thinking in the workplace

You will complete a 7-to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that explains what are considered professional and unprofessional attire and behaviors for your chosen career. The presentation will also include information regarding best practices for other factors related to physical appearance and behaviors (hairstyles, tattoos, accessories, jewelry, piercings, communication, attitude, etc.). The presentation will demonstrate the importance of managing your professional image for career success. It will cover specific practices regarded as essential for professionals in your career. The PowerPoint presentation must include: 1. A title slide 2. 5-8 content slides that include: o Explanations of 50-100 words in the speaker notes section for all slides In-text citations, in the current APA format, located in the speaker notes for all slides o o Two examples (including two images) of unprofessional attire and reasoning as to why they are unprofessional in your chosen career o o Two examples (including two images) of professional attire and reasoning as to the importance of maintaining professional attire in your chosen career Two examples (including two images) of unprofessional behaviors and reasoning as to why they are unprofessional in your chosen career Two examples (including two images) of professional behaviors and o reasoning as to the importance of maintaining professional behaviors in your chosen career o Two examples (including two images) of best practices for other factors related to appearance and behaviors (such as hairstyles, tattoos, accessories, jewelry, piercings, communication, attitude, etc.) and reasoning as to why they should be best practices in your chosen career o A reference slide with 2-3 references (not including images) in APA format

Required Elements of the Recommendation Report Title Page: Title of the report, author's name, date • Table of Contents: List of all major components of the report and what page each component begins on. • Executive Summary: Brief overview of the report's main ideas and recommendations. • Current Situation: Analyze the current state of the organization and make the case for why the organization needs to change. Objectives: Explain how implementing this change will benefit the organization, its colleagues, and the community. Deliverables: Provide a timeline showing how and when each stage in the culture change plan will be implemented. • Costs/ROI: Provide cost estimates for implementing these changes. Costs might include hiring additional staff, bringing in outside consultants, purchasing equipment, or renting out an offsite location for training. The return on investment, or ROI, can be thought of more broadly than in revenue terms, but there must be a way to measure the success of this cultural change. Examples might include improved colleague retention, higher client satisfaction scores, or a more positive public image. References: List all sources cited in the text in APA format. ●/nChanging Corporate Culture Project Overview

You will be writing a paper that identifies, summarizes, and applies a published code of ethics for your profession. The paper will include 2-3 pages of content, a title page and reference page, for a paper that is 4- to 5-pages in total length.

1. Visit Reptrack Pulse Website ( and choose an organization from the annual Global Reptrak Study. Ensure that the organization is operating in the UAE. This aspect is important for the next step of the project. Each group will need to get the chosen organization approved by their Course Instructor. No two groups can choose the same organization. 2. For the chosen organization, undertake a survey to measure corporate reputation in the UAE. This is primary research, for which each group will be collecting data from individual consumers of the product or service. After data cleaning, the final usable data for analysis should be from 30 respondents. Each group will conduct the survey using 8 questions from the research instrument specified on p.60 of Feldman, Bahamonde and Bellido (2013). 3. Undertake qualitative analysis of the chosen organization's website to determine the prominence of CSR information and extent of CSR information, using the analytical framework presented either in Chaudhri and Wang (2007) or Georgiadou and Nickerson (2020). 4. Present the research findings in a report prepared by all group members. The report must be typed using Google Docs. Each student's contribution and editions to the live document need to be visible to Instructors who will be provided with the link and be given editor's rights to the document.

Address each numbered item below with an in depth elaborate discussion. Be sure to number each answer separately and provide ample spacing between answers. Also, be sure to address each sub-part of each question when applicable and adequately separate each sub-part. Insufficient responses will receive zero credit as only fully elaborated answers will receive credit. Submission should be made using a Microsoft Word.Doc 1. Explain how conflict management depends on a study of interpersonal communication. 2. Why must managers consider the role of perception when resolving conflict? Be sure to explain the role of perception in your answer. 3. What is the relationship between perceived incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference? 4. How can "Bad Habits" in conflict be corrected? Please identify some common bad habits that you can relate to.