
world history homework help

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Recently Asked world history Questions

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  • Q1:Need to write an essay on "the atomic bomb droppings that occurred in WW2." Page limit: 4 pagesSee Answer
  • Q2:Question #3: Please refer to the slide in the September 19, 21 PowerPoint which juxtaposes Michelangelo's David with a detail of Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling, and Bernini's David with Fra Andrea Pozzo's Allegory of the Missionary Work of the Jesuits. In 50-75 words, please discuss the similarity in how Bernini's and Pozzo's works relate to the space of the viewer, as opposed to the two Michelangelo works. Please put this in your own words without quoting the text in that slide.See Answer
  • Q3:Question #5: identify the genres of the following images based on the image alone. Explain your reasoning briefly, in a 20-30 word answer for each image. If you are hesitating between two different genres, feel free to name the two genres and explain the reason for your hesitation.See Answer
  • Q4:Question #6: In the October 3, 5 PowerPoint, identify three images featuring idealized figures, and three images featuring more realistic, non-idealized ones. Important note: these images should be ones that have not been discussed in class before in connection to the notions of idealization or realism. They should not appear in the "Pose and Idealization" section of the September 28 "Perspective and Idealization" PowerPoint, nor should they be accompanied in any other PowerPoints by slide text that refers to idealization or realism. Please check before making your selection. For this question, you need not support your choices. Question #7: The September 28 bonus PowerPoint on "media and techniques" gathers the slides in which the mediums of fresco and of oil painting were discussed. Choose from the October 3, 5 PowerPoint two images that do not appear in the "media and techniques" PowerPoint, one painted in fresco, one in oil paint. In 40-50 words each, discuss the visual characteristics of fresco and of oil painting, respectively, as reflected in the works you have chosen.See Answer
  • Q5:Having read excerpts from "The Law of the Salian Franks" and "The Laws of Æthelbehrt, King of Kent," how would you describe the nature of justice under Germanic law? Provide examples to support your analysis. Having read excerpts from "The Law of the Salian Franks" and "The Laws of Æthelbehrt, King of Kent," how would you describe the nature of justice under Germanic law? Provide examples to support your analysis. See Answer
  • Q6:How did Germanic law address matters of class and gender? Provide examples to support your analysis.See Answer
  • Q7:In your estimation, was Germanic law more or less just than the legal system we live under today? Explain your reasoning. See Answer
  • Q8:1. The Greek polis has been called a "community of citizens." How does this definition reflect the reality of citizenship in Greek polis? Who were the citizens, and what rights and responsibilities did they possess? What segments of the population were not considered citizens? What rights and duties did these people have? How did these conditions vary across poleis?See Answer
  • Q9:2. It can be argued that the greatest legacy of Greece is intellectual. Trace the development of Greek philosophy from its Pre-Socratic origins through the Hellenistic period. What were the most significant developments? Explain which specific elements of Greek philosophy have had the most influence on contemporary culture in the West.See Answer
  • Q10:3. The Roman Republic underwent two great social upheavals: the Struggle of the Orders and the civil wars of the late republic. Compare the causes, participants, and results of these two upheavals. Who profited from each? Was Rome better off after each upheaval? Explain your reasoning.See Answer
  • Q11:4. One of the most important events that occurred during the Roman Empire was the birth of Christianity. Describe the evolution of Christianity. How do historians explain its early success? In what ways did Christianity challenge Roman society and the Roman state?See Answer
  • Q12:5. Western Civilization emerged during the period of Late Antiquity from the fusion of the Greco-Roman, Germanic, and Judeo-Christian cultures. What did each of these cultures contribute to the development of Western Civilization? Offer specific examples to support your analysis.See Answer
  • Q13:1. Compare and contrast Saint Augustine's City of God and Cyril's city of Alexandria. Did Cyril's Christian community reflect the ideal articulated by Augustine? Cite evidence from Augustine's work to support your argument.See Answer
  • Q14:2. Describe the Christians' treament of Hypatia. What does it suggest about early Christian attitudes about women? Does Hypatia's story resonate today? Explain your reasoning.See Answer
  • Q15:Students will submit a written review (at least one full page - about 150 words, typed and double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font) of each week's reading.See Answer
  • Q16:Enterprise resource planning or ERP is a software tool used to centralize information and automate tasks such as generating reports and business processes. This tool also optimizes operations and helps employees to file anySee Answer
  • Q17:a.) What is the total processor utilization of this system? b.) Is the periodic task set a harmonic task set? c.) What is the hyperperiod of this system? d.) Create a frame-based static cyclic schedule for these tasks. Take care that it satisfies all the following constraints: • the execution of each job fits within a single frame • the frame of a job begins no earlier than the job's release time • the frame of a job ends no later than the job's deadline If you have many possible frames, choose the largest one. Present your schedule in the form of a Gantt chart. e.) What is the worst-case response time of each task in your schedule above? f.) If the execution time of TB changes to 4, create a cyclic schedule for the task set orSee Answer
  • Q18:Students will submit a written review (at least one full page - about 150 words, typed and double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font) of each week's reading.See Answer
  • Q19:1. What type of document is this? In other words, in what genre is the text written (speech, book, political pamphlet, commence- ment address, diary entry)? a. The link for the Iron Curtain speech, refers to the transcript of a speech, originally entitled Sinews of Speech, that Winston Churchill, delivered in Fulton, Missouri.See Answer
  • Q20:2. Trace the genealogy of this document. Who published this docu- ment, from where did the original come, when was the original written? a. The document linked is from a website called the Jewish virtual library. It appears to be a transcribed translation of a cablegram, distributed from the Secretary General of the Arab League in Cairo to the UN (probably NY Office) on the 15th May. It appears to respond to the David Ben Gurion speech, declaring the state of Israel and was trans- mitted to the UN on the eve of Britain's official withdrawal from Palestine. The most original version I found was on the UN website.See Answer

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