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1. While the concept of "strategic groups" seems simple, why are strategic

groups often difficult to determine? Provide examples within a particular


2. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of following strategies:

Low-Cost Leader (No focus)

Focus Low-Cost

Differentiation (No focus)

Focus Differentiation

3. Identify existing companies practicing each of the following strategies (8


Low-Cost Leader (No focus)

Focus Low-Cost

Differentiation (No focus)

Focus Differentiation

4. Explain why the "Low Cost/Differentiation" combination strategies are

considered "Stuck-in-the-middle".

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Strategic Management

Assignment Question: You have been asked as a consultant to assist a client in the creation of a strategic environmental analysis system. What do you consider to be the essential analysis frameworks in the external and organizational environments? And why? Critically discuss the elements of each framework. Notes: Please focus on the assignment, answering all parts and use theory selectively to support your arguments. You may also quote from industry/company/financial press sources. Please also make sure your referencing of all sources is to an established convention and standard. If in doubt use "Harvard" referencing. Guidance on assignment writing can be found on the Study Skills Centre website:

Unit Aim: The aim of this online engineering course unit is to develop your skills and knowledge on how engineering companies operate, and the role of professional engineers within those companies.

TO DO What are the strategic risks faced by Johnson & Johnson in the APAC region? 6 slide ppt Annual report--From page 20 onward perhaps the tutor could use it as a foundation for his/her creation of the slides

MHACB/560 Competency 2 Assessment and Rubric Course Title: Creating a Sustainable Legacy: Healthy Communities Competency Assessment Title: Sustainability Initiative Stakeholder Engagement Analysis and Strategy Assignment Directions It is important to identify both internal and external stakeholders for your sustainability initiative. It is through identification of and communication with these stakeholders that you will understand what partnerships might benefit the initiative. These can include community leaders, organizations, and even patients, their families, and friends. The top leadership of your selected organization has requested that you prepare a stakeholder engagement analysis and strategy for your sustainability initiative. Part I: Stakeholder identification analysis: Prepare a 350- to 400-word identification and analysis of the key internal and external stakeholders essential to your initiative's success. Include the following: • Identify key internal and external stakeholders who are essential to the success of your initiative. Provide evidence for your choices. Identify partnerships that can be formed between organizations to foster collaboration or healthy competition. Provide evidence for your choices. Identify community leaders who can use power and influence to further the initiative on your behalf. Provide evidence for your choices. Part II: Patient engagement strategy Develop a 350- to 400-word strategy for how you will engage patients and their friends or family to participate in your initiative (directly or indirectly). Part III: Promotional media strategy Develop a 350- to 400-word promotional media strategy and promotional elements for your sustainability initiative that will be used to reach your identified stakeholders. Include the following: • A 90-to 175-word script for a 30- to 60-second online advertisement that promotes your sustainability initiative, advocates for sustainable health care practices, and invites the community to action. • A storyboard that outlines the advertisement. Complete the Script and Storyboard Template for this part of the assignment. (TEMPLATE IS ATTACHED IN NEXT FILE) • Four social media posts in the platform of your choosing that promotes your initiative and invites the community to get involved. (30-40 words per post) Note: You do not have to actually post these online but indicate on which platform you would post them.

Case Study - - Paper in APA formatting - References Required Your write-up should include the title of the case and your responses to each question should be in separate sections with the question number shown. The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages (based on double-spaced, size 12 font, 1-inch margins, and does not include the title page or references). An abstract is not required. Operations Strategy - Grocery Stores According to a recent study of 5000 Canadians, Loblaw, the largest grocer in Canada, is also considered to be the most trusted brick-and-mortar grocery brand in Canada while Wal-Mart is the most trusted for online grocery shopping. Both stores have very different strategies. Use your knowledge of these companies plus anything you can find on the internet to answer the following (be specific and support your answers): 1) How do the two chains differ in their location strategy? 2) How has the use of online grocery pickup service impacted how Loblaw and Wal- Mart do business? 3) Knowing that Loblaw cannot compete with Wal-Mart prices, what is the secret to their success at being number one in Canada?

Assessment tasks & weighting: International plan Briefly explain the chosen hotel Considerations (select from the below depending on relevance) History and Geography factors Political environment (trade) Legal factors Cultural factors Develop Marketing Strategies. Segmentation and targeting Adaptation to the new market Select only one of the following: Mode of entry (see details in materials): - - Ownership Common skills: assessed (bold) or developed (italics): 2. Manages own time in achieving objectives. 7.Relates to and MANAGING AND DEVELOPING SELF WORKING WITH AND RELATING TO OTHERS COMMUNICATING Exporting Contractual agreement Strategic alliance MANAGING TASKS AND SOLVING PROBLEMS BECOMING NUMERATE AND USING TECHNOLOGY 1.Manages own role and responsibilities 8.Treats others values, belts and opinions with respect Receives and responds to a variety of information 13. Uses information sources 16.Apples numerical skills and techniques objectively with individuals and groups 30. Presents information in a variety of visual forms 34. Deals with a combination of routine and non- routine tasks 17.Uses a range of technological equipment and Weighting 10% 20% 10% 20% 20% 3. Undertakes personal and career development Works effectively as a member of a team writing 11.Communicates in 15.identifies and solves routine and non-routine problems 4. Transfers skils gained to new and changing situations and contexts. 12.Participates in oral and non-verbal communication T Special instructions: This coursework consists in developing an international plan for a hotel of your choice in Saudi Arabia. Ideally you should choose one hotel that you know very well (for example where you are currently working or where you have had working experience). The objective is that you select all the relevant information that you need in order to access a new (international) market, collect it and present it in a report. Remember that any material should be presented in a professional way and do not forget to provide references accordingly (in APA 7 edition style). 5.Uses a range of thought processes

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Five Steps to a Strategic Plan, The Single Strategy You Need to Fuel Business Growth Right Now, and Aligning Brand Portfolio Strategy with Business Strategy. In 150 words or more, what are three or four components of a well-thought-out, achievable, and reasonable business strategy? What mistakes do companies make when developing their strategies? These thoughts should be qualitative and generic - not discussing/ providing specific applications of how you may have gleaned competitive advantage (e.g., describing your business strategy). Word limit- 150-200 Use below references: Aileron. (2011, October 25). Five steps to a strategic planLinks to an external site.. Forbes. Retrieved from e525464 Paunovic, G. (2017, December 6). The single strategy you need to fuel business growth right nowLinks to an external site.. Forbes. u-need-to-fuel-business-growth-right-now/#35b9fdd42c59 Uggla, H. (2015). Aligning brand portfolio strategy with business strategyLinks to an external site.. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 12(3), 7-17. Retrieved from

Assessment tasks: 1) Find ONE example for a situation (internationally) in which the resolution was reached through two different methods (conciliation, arbitration and/or litigation). Explain how these methods were applied and what was the outcome of the resolution. 2) Research about one of the arbitration centers or organizations provided. Analyse what they do, who they do it for and what is the scope of their reach. Assessment weighting: Activity Table of contents Introduction Specific topics: International conflict resolution AND arbitration centers/organizations Short conclusion Report structure (as per outline) References Common skills: assessed (bold) or developed (italics): 1 Manages own role and responsibilities 2. Manages own time in achieving objectives. 7.Relates to and interacts objectively with individuals and groups 10.Presents information in a variety of visual forms MANAGING AND DEVELOPING SELF WORKING WITH AND RELATING TO OTHERS COMMUNICATING MANAGING TASKS AND SOLVING PROBLEMS BECOMING NUMERATE AND USING TECHNOLOGY 6. Treats others values, beliefs and opinions with respect 9.Receives and responds to a variety of information 13. Uses information sources 16.Applies numerical skills and techniques Special instructions: The report will include the following sections: 1. Cover page 2. Table of contents 3. Introduction 14. Deals with a combination of routine and non- routine tasks 17.Uses a range of technological equipment and systems 7. References 8. Statement of authorship 3. Undertakes personal and career development 3.Works effectively as a member of a team 11.Communicates in writing 15. Identities and solves routine and non-routine problems 4. International conflict resolution example & analysis 5. Arbitration centers/organizations: scope, aim and functionality 6. Short conclusion (100%) 5% 5% 60% 20% 5% 5% 4. Transfers skills gained to new and changing situations and contexts. I 12.Participates in oral and non-verbal communication I 5.Uses a range of thought processes

Tesla, Inc. has rapidly become a stand-out among American car companies.Illustration Capsule 6.4 describes how Tesla has made vertical integration a central part of its strategy. What value chain segments has Tesla chosen to enter and perform internally? How has vertical integration and integration of its ecosystem aided the organization in building competitive advantage? Has vertical integration strengthened its market position? Explain why or why not.

Resources available: Course materials, e-library tools (books, newsletter, online magazines, etc.), internet, professionals from the industry, and of course the discussions in class based on handouts and videos posted in Moodle. There is also a guideline to be used as support for the project. (See Assessment Tasks and Weighting Section for details). Assessment tasks & weighting: International plan Briefly explain the chosen hotel Considerations (select from the below depending on relevance) History and Geography factors Political environment (trade) Legal factors Cultural factors Develop Marketing Strategies Segmentation and targeting Adaptation to the new market Select only one of the following: Page 1 of 3 Mode of entry (see details in materials): - Exporting - Contractual agreement Strategic alliance Ownership Common skills: assessed (bold) or developed (italics): Manages own role and responsibilities 2. Manages own time in achieving objectives. MANAGING AND DEVELOPING SELF Weighting 10% 20% 10% 20% 20% 3.Undertakes personal and career development 4. Transfers skills gained to new and changing situations 5.Uses a range of thought